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Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Unrest spreads in PoJK due to deployment of Pak security forces ahead of May 11 protests

Tension is rising in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) as Pakistani authorities are deploying troops from Punjab province to suppress protests in the region on May 11.

However, the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) and the Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) have issued a serious warning to the administration against the use of any brutal force against the peaceful protesters.

Both parties have issued a warning that they will organize international protests and demonstrations if the administration uses any force against the protesters who are raising their legitimate demands.

At present, personnel of Frontier Corps, Rangers and Quick Response Force (QRF) of Punjab province are on the roads of the area.

According to a joint statement issued by UKPNP and JAAC, the protesters are protesting against unfair taxation, high electricity bills, uncontrolled inflation, severe shortage of essential commodities like flour.

Additionally, the people also demand ownership of local land and water resources and royalties to the local people on hydroelectric power produced in dams located in PoJK and Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan.

UKPNP Chairman Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri and former JAAC spokesperson Sardar Nasir Aziz Khan said that despite billions of dollars being sent annually by Kashmiri migrants for the development of PoJK and PoGB, the people of these areas are suffering. Severe underdevelopment.

The funds are reportedly sent to Pakistani banks, causing an economic crisis in the region.

Earlier, in the same context, PoJK activist Amjad Ayub Mirza, citing official requests raised by the administration, had said that 600 police personnel and six police personnel would be deployed for the Citizen Armed Forces (CAF) to avoid any law and order situation. A demand has been made for a platoon. Protect PoK and Chinese civilians, especially after the recent blasts involving Chinese civilians in April.

Responding to the issue, Mirza said that the people of PoK have been facing humanitarian crisis for more than four years and the problems are increasing every year and now increasing every month.

He further said that “Of course, the Pakistani state is scared of our people because they are using all kinds of pretexts to suppress our civil disobedience. Now people are angry and they say that they are going to hold an indefinite strike in the Legislative Assembly Muzaffarabad.

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