Friday, February 14th, 2025

How many liters of blood flows after delivery, know how you can increase hemoglobin after delivery.

There are two most popular methods of giving birth to a baby – one is normal delivery and the other is cesarean delivery. In both, a woman’s body has to endure a lot. A lot of blood is lost during these procedures. Bundelkhand Jhansi’s child specialist Dr Ashok Saxena has told through a video on Instagram that the delivery doctor Ashok says that how much blood flows from the woman’s body at a given time.

In a normal delivery, about one and a quarter liter of mother’s blood is spent. Whereas if for some reason there is a cesarean delivery, then one and a half liter of blood is spent. In such a situation, weakness in the body after delivery is natural. The nine months of pregnancy and then the process of delivery are very taxing on a woman’s body and due to this, her body becomes very weak. Know further how the blood deficiency in the body can be compensated after delivery.

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eat dates

BMC Women’s Health According to a research published in, eating dates after normal delivery improves anemia. Therefore, it is advisable to eat this fruit during the postpartum period. However, more research still needs to be done in this direction.

PC: pexels

take iron

take iron

It is also very important to have iron supply in the body to make blood. webmd According to , iron helps in making new blood cells which supply the blood lost during delivery. You can get high amounts of iron from red meat and poultry. Tofu and beans also contain iron.

PC: Freepik

iron supplements

iron supplements

March of Dimes It is said that the doctor can also give you iron supplements along with prenatal vitamins during pregnancy so that your recovery can happen quickly after bleeding after delivery.
PC: Unsplash

It is important to eat fruits after cesarean

It is important to eat fruits after cesarean

winmake According to , after giving birth, especially after undergoing cesarean section, the mother’s body often loses strength and weakness. Therefore, choosing the right food plays an important role in helping women recover quickly and fight depression or exhaustion. Fruits and calcium-rich foods help prevent osteoporosis in the mother.

which fruits to eat

which fruits to eat

Bananas not only contain many vitamins and calcium, but eating bananas also helps in increasing milk secretion. Green papaya shrinks the uterus, which will help the fluid flow out faster. Apple also helps in brightening the skin and removes darkness or dark pigmentation on the skin. These fruits also give strength to the body after delivery.

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