Monday, February 17th, 2025

Explained: Bangkok may drown in the sea, Thailand is searching for a new capital, is the crisis increasing due to converting carbon buried in the earth into gas?

New Delhi/Bangkok: Thailand, which attracts tourists from all over the world, may have to change its capital to Bangkok. In fact, the risk of drowning in the sea has increased due to climate change in the current capital of Thailand, Bangkok. According to Thailand’s Climate Change Office, Thailand may have to consider transferring its capital to Bangkok due to rising sea levels. Many previous estimates have said that Bangkok’s coastal areas are at risk of being submerged in the sea by the end of this century. Anyway, this dazzling city starts facing heavy floods during rainy days. According to an official of the Climate Change Office, our earth is already above 1.5 degree Celsius temperature. In such a situation, we will have to reduce it soon.

In view of the possibility of Bangkok sinking, there is talk of building a new capital in Thailand.

By 2050, big cities will face the sea

In a report of a project named Climate Central, it was said that due to climate change, these cities of the world may drown by 2050. These are- America’s Savannah and New Orleans, Guinea’s capital Georgetown, Thailand’s capital Bangkok, India’s Kolkata and Mumbai, Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, Italy’s Venice City, Iraq’s Basra, Netherlands’ Amsterdam.


Coastal cities like Mumbai are also becoming victims of global warming.

Why is the climate changing?

According to Sana Rehman, a lot of carbon is present in different forms inside the ground. This carbon has been present in the earth for millions of years. Due to this carbon being present for so many years, the earth kept it close to its heart and developed an attachment to it. This carbon remained present in the form of petroleum, gas or coal.

navbharat timesAll the glaciers have disappeared from this country on earth, for the first time in modern history such a big incident, the world is in tension.

Water level increases due to extraction of carbon from within the earth

Due to modernization and industrialization of cities, we started extracting carbon from the earth. We converted that carbon into gas for use. The nature of gas is that it absorbs heat in the form of carbon dioxide. When we extract carbon from the earth, it also takes heat with it in the form of gas. As soon as it came out of the earth, heat started spreading in the atmosphere. Due to this the glaciers or ice of the poles started melting.

Water is the earth’s defense mechanism

As long as there was carbon in the earth, the glaciers and polars also remained cold. He remained frozen. But when Carbon came out, it increased the heat. Glaciers and polar ice started melting. To protect itself, the earth started increasing water so that the temperature could be controlled. Due to this rising water, the risk of coastal cities drowning increased. India’s Majuli island also sank due to the same reason.

Sana Rehman Expert

Today the amount of carbon on earth has increased

According to Sana Rehman, the Earth had never seen so much carbon in its atmosphere. Today 430 ppm (parts per million) carbon exists on Earth. Whereas the level of carbon dioxide should have been 0.03. In the 4.5 billion year history of the Earth, there has never been so much carbon as we have increased. Due to this the risk of floods is increasing.

Climate change

Natural disasters due to global warming

Due to global warming, severe floods, droughts, cyclones, extreme heat or earthquakes may occur more frequently. Global warming is happening due to the play of temperature and pressure. We converted the carbon present in the liquid form inside the earth into gas, due to which the glaciers are melting. If cities sink, there will be massive migration and their challenges will also come to the fore.

Climate change

Food crisis due to low or high temperature

Dr. Sana says that our crop cycle and food security are also at risk due to low temperatures. For example, in recent times the attacks on crops by locusts have increased, which eat the entire crop. In fact, due to delay in arrival of summer and winter, the breeding period of locusts has started matching with the time of harvesting of crops. In such a situation, their attack starts at the time of ready crops.

navbharat timesNever mistake a wish for a certainty, the climate is changing, when will the politicians change?

Mumbai is sinking into the sea at the rate of 2 mm

If the water level in Venice city of Italy increases by even 2 mm every year, it can also drown quickly. America’s coastal cities like Miami and New York also face the same threat. Researchers from IIT Mumbai had published a report last year. According to this, the country’s economic capital Mumbai is sinking into the sea at the rate of every two millimeters, the main reason for which is climate change.

40 percent of Jakarta sank into the sea

The name of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia and the largest city of the country, is at number one in this list. The condition of Jakarta is such that it is sinking into the sea by 30.5 centimeters every year. Many reports say that up to 40 percent of the city has sunk into the sea. It is being told that this city may be submerged in water by 2050.


Eclipse of global warming also on beautiful Maldives

Maldives is a group of about 1200 islands. Out of these, people live only on 200 islands. There is a danger of them drowning if the sea level rises even a little. According to World Bank estimates, sea level may rise by 10 to 100 centimeters by the end of the 21st century. Because of this Maldives will completely drown.

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