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Saturday, July 27th, 2024

​Cancer does not give time, Sushil Kumar Modi passed away just a few months after giving information

Former Chief Minister of Bihar Sushil Kumar Modi is no longer among us. He died on Monday, 13 May 2024 at AIIMS, Delhi. According to the information, Sushil Kumar Modi had informed a few months ago that he was suffering from throat cancer.Sushil Kumar Modi’s death just a few months after giving information about his cancer shows that cancer does not give time. Ignoring its symptoms is like inviting death. Let us know what is throat cancer and what are its forms? Here we will also know its symptoms and ways to prevent it.

Many forms of throat cancer

  • Super Glottic: It is located in the epiglottis in the upper part of the throat.
  • sub glottic: The lower part of the vocal cords is born.
  • glottic: This is cancer occurring in the vocal cords.
  • Hypo pharyngeal: This cancer spreads to the lower part of the throat.
  • Oropharyngeal: It starts spreading in the back part of the mouth.
  • Nerves pharyngeal: It starts in the upper part of the larynx.

Main symptoms of throat cancer

  • sore throat
  • breathing problem
  • neck or ear pain
  • cough with blood
  • change in voice
  • difficulty swallowing

What are the causes of throat cancer?

  • smoking
  • eating tobacco
  • alcohol addiction
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • bad eating habits

How can we prevent cancer?

According to Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center (RGCIRC), head and neck cancer can be treated and the patient can be cured. If the disease is detected early, the chances of prevention increase up to 80 percent. Symptoms of cancer should not be ignored. If anyone has any problem then they should definitely consult a doctor. To detect throat cancer, the help of endoscopy, biopsy and imaging tests is taken.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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