Your flabby stomach will sink in, 7 kg will be reduced in 21 days, Dietician told an easy way

Weight loss is becoming a serious problem. Most people are especially troubled by abdominal obesity. Sitting jobs, unhealthy diet, not exercising or not engaging in any kind of physical activity, increasing stress, etc. are the main reasons for weight gain. As easy it is to gain weight, losing it is equally difficult.

Obesity not only affects your beauty but also increases the risk of dangerous and life-threatening health conditions like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol. There are many ways to lose weight like gym, diet, yoga, walking, running etc. Some ways are effective and some do not make any difference.

If you want to lose a lot of weight very quickly, then Richa Gangani, India’s famous dietician She is telling you a simple solution. Her advice is that to lose weight quickly, you should resort to intermittent fasting.

You can lose 7 kg in 21 days

Obviously, weight does not reduce very quickly. For this, you need to be patient. But Richa herself has surprised everyone by losing 7 kg in 21 days. Earlier her weight was 63 kg, which has now reduced to only 56 kg. She has got this result through intermittent fasting. Not only this, it has also given her glowing skin. She has shared her diet plan.

This is what breakfast used to be like

This is what breakfast used to be like

I used to drink a glass of gut cleansing juice at 9 am. It can be any fruit, vegetable or herb. It not only helps in cleansing the stomach and intestines but also brings glow to the skin. After this, I used to drink a glass of smoothie around 10 am. It helps in increasing collagen and brings glow to the skin.

An easy way to lose weight quickly

what did you eat for lunch

what did you eat for lunch

Richa told that she used to have a high protein salad made of 100 grams of Greek yogurt, quinoa and beetroot for lunch. This gave her a good amount of protein, fiber, iron, minerals and vitamins.

She used to consume this thing in evening snack

She used to consume this thing in evening snack

Richa used to exercise in the evening and after the workout, she used to have a scoop of whey protein shake followed by 100 grams of white chickpea pasta around 6 pm.

Does eating junk food or skipping meals really help in losing weight?

dinner used to be like this

dinner used to be like this

Richa used to eat early at night. She used to have dinner by 8 pm. Her dinner used to consist of only an anti-bloating tea so that she does not have any problem of bloating or gas. Overall, she used to eat only from 10 am to 6 pm.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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