Sunday, September 29th, 2024

World Heart Day: Risk of heart attack is increasing in women too, trend is changing even after natural protection

New Delhi: Nature has given such protection to women, due to which young women have less risk of heart attack as compared to men. But, after menopause, the risk of heart attack in women becomes the same as that of men. But, it is a matter of concern that despite this natural protection, cases of heart attacks have increased among young women and the reason for this is their lifestyle, smoking and stress.

Heart disease is increasing rapidly in women

At present, heart disease is no longer limited to men only, its level is increasing rapidly in women also. According to statistics, the number of women dying from heart disease is increasing rapidly around the world. This problem is becoming even more serious in developing countries like India. Despite this, there seems to be a kind of indifference and lack of awareness about heart disease among women.

Special type of protection in women

According to reports issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and many other institutions, heart disease is a leading cause of death in women. Especially women after 40 years are vulnerable to this disease. Cardiologist Dr KK Talwar of PSRI Hospital said that nature has given a special kind of protection to women, a hormone is released in them which protects them from heart attack at a young age.

Risk increases after menopause

Dr. Talwar said that with increasing age, hormonal changes such as after menopause, the risk of heart disease increases in women. Apart from this, modern lifestyle, stress, lack of physical activities, wrong eating habits and smoking also cause increasing levels of this disease. Apart from this, use of oral contraceptives in women is also creating risk of heart attack in young women.

Sometimes clot forms suddenly

Doctor Talwar said that many times coronary blockage is seen in women. A clot forms suddenly, but its reason is not known. That is why it is called idiopathic. The doctor said that lack of awareness about heart disease among women is an important reason why this disease is not taken seriously.

identifying symptoms

Symptoms of heart disease in women may be different from those of men. While severe chest pain is a common symptom in men, in women this pain can be mild, which often goes unnoticed. Additionally, symptoms such as shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and abdominal pain are usually ignored.

Lack of awareness due to these reasons

  • There is a lack of information related to heart disease in women. Many women consider it only a men’s disease and do not pay attention to it.
  • Women are often busy taking care of their families and do not give priority to their health. They ignore their health until the situation becomes serious.
  • In some societies, women do not talk openly about their health problems. Due to this reason, they are not able to consult the doctor on time, due to which the situation becomes more serious.

need to increase awareness

  • Special health education programs should be organized for women, providing information on symptoms of heart disease, prevention measures, and health check-ups.
  • Women should get checked for heart disease from time to time, especially after the age of 40.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, eat a healthy diet, and get regular exercise. With this, the risk of heart disease can be reduced to a great extent.
  • To avoid stress and depression, it is important to give priority to mental health.
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