Monday, December 16th, 2024

What to feed an 11 month old baby so that his/her height increases rapidly and his/her body becomes fleshy?

An 11 month old baby develops very rapidly. At this time, children are learning many new things and their energy level also increases a lot. It is very important to include things rich in nutrients in the diet of babies of this age.

If your baby is also 11 months old or is about to be, then you can know here what you can feed to a baby of this age. Here we are telling you about some nutritious things, which you can give to your 11 month old baby. These foods will help in his/her growth and provide him/her nutrition.

Photo Credit: freepik

How much to feed an 11 month old baby?

11 month old baby Half cup of solid food can be given three to four times a day. This is the minimum amount your child can eat at a meal. You can give one or two healthy snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Apart from giving solid food to the child, you should also give him/her breast milk or formula milk. An 11-month-old baby usually breastfeeds four times a day.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Banana and Oats Porridge

Banana and Oats Porridge

1 cup oat flourTake 1 banana, 2 cups water. To make this, put oats and water in a vessel. Boil the water and reduce the flame. Cook the oats while stirring for five minutes. Cut the banana into small pieces and mash it in a bowl. Let the cooked oats cool for a few minutes. Add mashed banana and mix well and then serve it to the baby.

Photo Credit: pexels

Blueberry Yogurt

Blueberry Yogurt

1 cup blueberries and 1 cup plain yogurt Take it. Add blueberries and yogurt to blender. Blend until the blueberries are well combined with the yogurt. You can serve yogurt as is or with crackers.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Rice and Apple

Rice and Apple

For this, take 1 cup rice, 1 apple and 3 to 4 cups water. Peel the apple and cut it into small pieces. Steam the apples in a vegetable/fruit steamer for three to five minutes. Boil the rice until it becomes soft. Mix rice and boiled apples in a bowl. Mash them until they become soft and mix well and feed them to the baby.

Photo Credit: freepik

Semolina Pudding

Semolina Pudding

¼ cup semolina, 2 dried apricots (cut into small pieces), ½ -1 cup water, 1/5 tsp cardamom powder, 1/2 tsp honey, pinch of cinnamon powder. Fry semolina in a pan until it turns light golden brown. Keep it aside. Boil water in another pan and add roasted semolina and apricot pieces in it. Cook on low flame until it becomes porridge-like consistency. Add more water if needed. Add honey and cinnamon powder and mix everything well. Serve it hot.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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