This diet helps you lose 5 kgs in 1 month, by doing 3 things your flabby stomach will become flat

Increasing weight is causing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and liver. Therefore, it is important to control it in time. People are going to the gym and doing workouts and exercises for weight loss. Apart from this, the craze of 80/10/10 diet is increasing these days. This is a new diet trend in the world of weight loss.

Dr. Douglas Graham developed this diet with the aim of reducing obesity. Nutritionist and Dietician Shikha Agarwal Sharma I am telling you how you can lose five kilos of weight in a month through this diet.

According to experts, follow this diet 80 percent, choose 10 percent healthy options and eat 10 percent of your favorite things. These three rules will help you control your weight.

What is 80/10/10 Diet?

In this diet, you have to consume 80 percent carbohydrates, 10 percent protein and 10 percent fat. In this diet, the day starts with eating fruits. Try to include green vegetables and salad in the first meal of the day. This is very important for better nutrition and detox.

Benefits Of 80/10/10 Diet

Benefits Of 80/10/10 Diet
  • Due to low fat and no cholesterol in the diet, the risk of heart diseases is reduced.
  • Low-calorie and high-fibre fruits and vegetables can aid weight loss by improving metabolism.
  • This diet is high in natural sugar. When it is mixed with the fiber in fruits, it becomes easier to control blood sugar.

Disadvantages of the 80/10/10 Diet

Disadvantages of the 80/10/10 Diet
  • This diet plan is low in fat and protein, which are essential for hormonal balance and overall health.
  • Consuming it can cause deficiency of essential fatty acids, some amino acids, vitamins like B12 and minerals like iron, zinc and calcium in the body.
  • Following this for a long time can lead to loss of muscle mass and decreased bone density.

Exercise is also important

Exercise is also important

According to experts, while following this diet, you will have to do exercises like aerobics and strength training three times a week. If you are not exercising regularly, it means that you are not following the diet properly.

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Tips to Follow the 80/10/10 Diet

Tips to Follow the 80/10/10 Diet
  • Include fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet to get essential nutrients.
  • Keep checking your blood levels to overcome nutritional deficiencies.
  • Pay attention to the body’s response. If you experience fatigue or weakness, consult your nutritionist.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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