Thursday, December 12th, 2024

The problem of bladder leakage embarrasses women in old age, know the reason and solution from the expert

Why does bladder leakage happen?

The tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body is called the urethra. In normal cases, the muscles of the urethra hold the urine. The advantage of this is that we do not have to go to pass urine again and again. When we pass urine, the muscles of the bladder push the urine forward.

But when the problem of bladder leakage starts, the muscles of the urethra are unable to hold the urine, due to which urine leaks when you cough or sneeze. This happens due to the reduced strength of the muscles of the urethra.

The problem of bladder leakage can be seen in two ways. In case of urge urinary incontinence (UUI), it becomes difficult to control the urge to urinate and in case of stress urinary incontinence (SUI), urine leaks due to pressure on the bladder.

Understand the symptoms of bladder leakage

Understand the symptoms of bladder leakage

Frequent urge to pass urine, passing urine while coughing or sneezing, not being able to hold urine even for a short while, these are the main causes of bladder leakage. If this is happening repeatedly then do not ignore it.

If urine passes while coughing or sneezing after delivery, then consult a gynecologist. he/she will suggest you some exercises which will cure the problem of bladder leakage.

After the age of 40, i.e. during menopause, many women start suffering from bladder leakage. In this situation also, it is important to consult a gynecologist and get a checkup done.

Causes of bladder leakage

Causes of bladder leakage

Usually, the problem of bladder leakage occurs in older women. This happens due to the lack of estrogen hormone during menopause. When women’s periods stop, the estrogen hormone in their body gradually starts decreasing. Due to the lack of this hormone, the strength of the muscles of the pelvic area starts decreasing. The muscles of the bladder are unable to hold urine, due to which urine leaks when coughing or sneezing.

At the time of delivery, when the woman has to strain to take the baby out of the womb, there is pressure on the pelvic area. This weakens the muscles of the bladder. The strength of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, decreases, due to which it is unable to hold urine. Due to this, the problem of bladder leakage begins.

The problem of bladder leakage increases if you get pregnant again immediately after delivery. Any neurological disease or persistent coughing can also increase the problem of bladder leakage.

The habit of holding urine can cause bladder leakage. People who hold urine until their bladder is full, their bladder gradually weakens. Avoid doing this. Eating junk food, drinking too much tea-coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol causes irritation and leakage in the bladder.

Bladder leakage after delivery

Bladder leakage after delivery

Many women face the problem of bladder leakage even at a young age. This happens at the time of delivery. During delivery, the mother has to exert a lot of force to bring the baby out of her body. In this process, many tissues around the uterus get damaged. Their strength decreases and they are unable to hold urine. This leads to the problem of bladder leakage.

Bladder leakage after 40

Bladder leakage after 40

After 40, many changes come in the body of women. Weight starts increasing suddenly, mood starts changing, hair starts falling rapidly, wrinkles start appearing on the face. The reason for all these changes is the decrease in estrogen hormone in the body. This reduces the strength of many tissues of the body, one of them is bladder.

Estrogen hormone is also a reason

Estrogen hormone is also a reason

The estrogen hormone gives elasticity to the vagina and the muscles around it. But when estrogen in the body starts decreasing, the strength of the tissues starts decreasing. Due to this, the bladder is unable to hold urine and the problem of bladder leakage begins. If the problem becomes severe, it can be cured by surgery.

Home remedies to prevent bladder leakage

Home remedies to prevent bladder leakage

Bladder leakage is a problem that can cause embarrassment anytime, anywhere. It should not be taken lightly. As soon as the problem starts, consult a doctor and start treatment. Along with treatment, the problem of bladder leakage can be prevented by taking care of some things.

If you have bladder leakage problem, avoid drinking too much tea and coffee. You should also avoid liquid diet. Eating sour fruits like lemon and orange can increase the urge to pass urine frequently, so avoid them. The problem of bladder leakage can also be reduced by reducing obesity and stress.

These exercises prevent bladder leakage

These exercises prevent bladder leakage

The tissues of women who become mothers at a young age heal quickly, so they do not have the problem of bladder leakage for a long time. If a woman at a young age suffers from bladder leakage during childbirth, then after delivery the doctor recommends doing Kegel and pelvic floor exercises. This easily cures the problem of bladder leakage.

How to do Kegel exercises

How to do Kegel exercises

Kegel exercise is very beneficial for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. The advantage of Kegel exercise is that it can be done at any age and anywhere.

To do Kegel exercise, first sit or lie down in a quiet place. Contract the pelvic floor muscles while breathing in the way you do to stop urination. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Then exhale and loosen the muscles. After resting the muscles for 5 minutes, repeat this process again. Do this 10 to 20 times. Do Kegel exercise two to three times daily.

Benefits of Kegel Exercise

Benefits of Kegel Exercise

Kegel exercises increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and they become capable of holding urine again. By doing Kegel exercises after delivery, the muscles become as strong as before.

By doing this exercise during pregnancy, the body gets ready for delivery. It relieves back pain and increases excitement during physical relations. Start Kegel exercise before menopause so that there is no problem of bladder leakage later.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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