Due to hormones one becomes useless in love.
Hormonal changes continue from adolescence till the age of 22-23 years. During this time, symptoms of sexual attraction and even becoming useless in someone’s love can be seen in the boy or girl. Testosterone hormones in boys and estrogen hormones in girls create desire for each other. Oxytocin and vasopressin hormones strengthen attachment and emotional relationship with someone. During adolescence, six times more estrogen is released in girls and 20 times more testosterone is released in boys.
The mind closes its eyes during love.
Brain scientists from University College London studied brain changes during teenage dating. It was found that during dating, four different parts of a boy or girl’s brain become active. However, in boys and girls of this age, the part of the brain that finds reasons for everything, i.e. the prefrontal cortex, is not active.
Logical mind becomes active after the age of 22-23
It becomes active only after the age of 22-23. When we fall in love at a young age, our brain does not use logical brain nor control our emotions. In such a situation, the partner’s thinking often leads to bloody consequences.
The intoxication of love is as dangerous as cocaine.
According to Psychology Today, during love or attraction, emotions dominate a person more than thoughts. Scientists believe that the intoxication of love is equivalent to the intoxication of cocaine, in which one cannot think of anything else. During this time, hormones released in the brain like happiness-inducing dopamine, fast-reacting norepinephrine and mood-creating serotonin make anyone blind in love.

20 percent girls have to endure beatings
According to a 2021 report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20 percent of teenage girls reported that they faced violent sexual behavior. 1 out of every 10 girls was also raped. 20 percent of girls are beaten by their partners. Emotional injury is common. About 80 per cent of the cases are accompanied by abuses, bad remarks, taunts and insults in front of everyone.
Had to endure unwanted sexual advances and abuse
According to a 2008 research by Mulford and Giordano, some partners engage in unwanted sexual activity before the beginning of a romantic relationship. They are also seen behaving violently. In such a situation, the newly made partner has to face abuses and even beatings. This behavior is seen more in boys than girls. This includes things like insulting, threatening and teasing the partner.
Share private photos and videos when love is rejected
These days all these things are happening online. Partner’s private photos, videos and information are shared on social media. Even possessive behavior of asserting rights over the partner is seen in boys or girls.

Parents should know about children’s friendship
Dr. Archana Agnihotri, who works on child rights with the UP government, says that if someone makes friends during adolescence, then their friends and parents should also know about the relationship between them. This often prevents the relationship from taking a violent turn. Archana Agnihotri, founder of NGO Samadhan Abhiyan, says that when a girl’s education declines and her marks start falling, then understand that she is in an abusive relationship. There is a need to be alert even if he talks less or looks away.
Understand the danger from these things, be alert
Archana Agnihotri says that if a boy or girl keeps an eye on the coming and going of his/her partner and inquires a lot when meeting someone, then he/she should be alerted here. It is the desire of the partner that his/her partner should always be in front of his/her sight. He will show anger again and again. Can beat you if you don’t answer the phone.

How to recognize that there is danger, seek help from the police
According to the journal The Minds, there are some people who are willing to do anything to achieve their desires. In such a situation, if you become friends with someone, he can move beyond friendship and talk about love. May start making claims on you. In such a situation, come out of this problem very carefully. No arguments or fights. Please tell your parents and friends about this problem. If someone is misbehaving like repeatedly blocking the way, or suddenly starts crying in front of you or threatens to kill you, then be alert immediately and go to the police.
If you make a mistake once, don’t make the same mistake again.
According to a report published in the journal Pediatrics, toxic and out of control relationships can lead teenagers to drug addiction as well as mental and physical health problems that can ruin their lives. Research was conducted on 38 studies published between 2004 and 2022 at the ‘University of Klagenfurt’ in Austria. In which it was found that boys or girls who, despite coming out of a bad romantic relationship, repeat the same mistakes and face the same problems in new relationships. Such people become victims of violence, drug addiction and depression. In such a situation, wait for some time before starting a new relationship. Make a fresh start later.