Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Sugar almonds can be beneficial in diabetes, what is the way to eat?

Crores of people in the world are troubled by high blood sugar disease. Apart from this, there are millions of pre -diabetic, who do not know diabetes The disease is about to begin. Along with this disease, the risk of LDL cholesterol problem also increases. It blocks the veins and causes heart attack.

Both these problems can be eliminated simultaneously. Natural things can be used for this. In which sugar almond also comes, which is also called bitter almond, sky fruit and mahogany seeds. Dr. of Kify Hospital Karuuri Subrahmanyam Explained the benefits of sugar almonds.

Kify Hospital Information According to the sky fruit can control blood sugar and cholesterol. This immunity can also increase. Which causes infection and prevention of diseases. The doctor also explained the right way to consume it, otherwise some problems may be faced.

There will be no shortage of insulin

The doctor described sugar almond as diabetes controller. This increases the production of insulin in the generation. Its saponin controls the absorption of glucose in the intestines. According to the expert, blood sugar can be controlled by regular consumption of it.

Dirty cholesterol will come out

Dirty cholesterol will come out

This fruit Control cholesterol level Does. It is a sticky substance that lives in the blood. When more, the artery freezes and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It contains flavonoids, which prevent oxidation and do not allow LDL to collect.

Immunity will also increase

Immunity will also increase

Immunity does infection and disease fighting. Due to alkaloid, the taste of this fruit is bitter. It boosts the chemical immune system and prevents the disease. It also has the power to reduce inflammation and pain.

How to use?

How to use?

Sky can make fruit tea and drink. For this, boil some seeds in water for 15 minutes. You can drink this drink once or twice a day before eating. Apart from this, make powder of these seeds and take a small amount with honey or water. You can also take this mixture once or twice a day. Although diabetes patients Use of honey Do not do

Take care of some care

Take care of some care

By the way, its consumption is safe. But the doctor has explained its apprehensive side effects in some medicine or condition. In which nausea, diarrhea, headache, allergic reaction can occur. Therefore, before consuming it, consult a doctor or Ayurvedic expert.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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