Actually, joking behavior between couples is fine to some extent, but after a while this attitude does not look good. This is because people start taunting each other in a funny way, after which not only anger arises between the couples but sometimes things get so bad that they even refuse to live with each other. Are not ready. (All photos – iStock)
First understand the meaning of joke
Psychologist Kenneth Tan of Singapore Management University conducted a study on 110 romantic couples, after which he/she reported that on the day romantic couples were funny with each other, they found their relationship satisfaction higher. Whereas when they were serious, they did not feel good with each other.
An American psychologist said in his/her research that the lack of humor between two partners becomes the reason for their separation. In such a situation, it is important to have humor in the relationship, but to a limited extent. Actually, it is not right to insult someone jokingly or to laugh at someone’s helplessness.
It is not right to call sarcasm a joke

Someone has rightly said that a joke should be such that both the speaker and the listener laugh. It should not happen that the other person gets very angry after listening to you. This is because if such a situation arises in the relationship, everything will spoil between you two. Your joke will reach your partner’s heart.
personal issues are no joke

Sometimes jokingly we say such things which may make the other person feel bad. Especially when the joke is on someone’s weakness or insecurity, it can be very hurtful. If a person constantly becomes the butt of jokes then he/she feels that you do not take care of his/her feelings. This reduces trust between them.
How to balance laughter and joking?

Every person’s sense of humor is different. What one person finds funny, another may find bad. In such a situation, while joking, keep in mind how your words will appear to the other person. If someone is getting angry at your joke, try to understand him/her. Not only this, if you have inadvertently hurt someone, do not hesitate to apologize. This will not spoil your relationship.