Nick Jonas posted an old photo on Instagram story for Priyanka’s father Ashok Chopra. That photo shows Priyanka Chopra’s childhood where she is seen reading a mic with her father. Nick Jonas shared this photo of Priyanka’s late father and wrote that he/she could not meet him/her but still feels connected.
Nick Jonas wrote a post for his/her late father-in-law
In this post, he/she wrote, ‘Happy Father’s Day to my father-in-law Ashok Chopra. Even though I did not get a chance to meet you, I feel very connected to you through your daughter and your granddaughter. We all love you very much.’
Priyanka Chopra said this for Nick Jonas and both fathers
Priyanka Chopra has also posted for her father Ashok Chopra on this special occasion apart from Nick Jonas and his/her father. Priyanka Chopra wrote for her father Ashok Chopra – Dear Papa, you will always be in our hearts, miss you Papa. She has also wished Nick Jonas’ father Kevin Jonas on ‘Father’s Day’ and expressed her love for him/her. Apart from this, she shared a picture of her daughter with Nick Jonas and called him/her a wonderful father and husband. Nick Jonas reshared this post of Priyanka and wrote – I love you and our little girl very much.
Married in the year 2018, daughter born in 2022
Priyanka and Nick Jonas got married in the year 2018 and had a daughter through surrogacy in 2022, whom they named Malti Marie Jonas.