Friday, March 14th, 2025

Method to control weight in thyroid, sages gave treatment, 200 crore people benefited in 2 minutes.

Thyroid disease occurs due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland. It is of two types, one is thinning thyroid and the other is thickening thyroid. Its patients have to take medicines for a long time and there are some people who have to take it throughout their life. Often the risk of this disease is higher in women.

If you are troubled by any kind of thyroid then you can get the solution in 2 minutes. According to Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev, this solution will solve the problems of 200 crore people. In this you have to try yoga and home remedies. By doing these, your weight will start getting controlled in both types of thyroid.

Baba Ramdev told home remedy for thyroid

Yogasana for treating thyroid

According to Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev, with the help of Yogasanas Thyroid disease solution Can be found. Patients should do Simhasana, Ustrasana, Matsyasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana. You should do each yoga asana for five minutes.

Pranayama will help

Pranayama will help

Some pranayam can also be done along with the above given yogasanas. This includes Ujjayi Pranayam. For this, tighten your throat and inhale. Do Kapalbhati together and during this press the palms under the thumbs of both the hands. There is an acupressure point here to cure thyroid.

Homemade Drinks for Thyroid

Homemade Drinks for Thyroid

If you are taking thyroid medicine then you can consume some homemade drinks along with it. Which includes coriander water, bottle gourd juice and cucumber, bitter gourd, tomato juice.

yoga for sugar

yoga for sugar

Baba Ramdev with thyroid Yoga for diabetes also Have told. By doing these, the pancreas starts working properly. Its patients can do Mandukasana, Pawanmuktasana, Anulom Vilom.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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