Interview: Bharti has a big role behind my success, she stands with me even today – Harsh Limbachiyaa

Comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachiyaa are one of the favorite stars of the TV world. Both of them always tickle with their comedy and do not miss a single opportunity. Recently, Harsh had a special conversation with presswire18 Times and told what Bharti means to him.

Comedian Bharti Singh and writer Harsh Limbachiyaa are one of the favorite couples of the small screen. Along with the responsibility of producer and writer of his shows, Harsh is also playing the role of host of ‘Superstar Singer 3’ very well. We had this special conversation with the versatile Harsh:You have written many memorable comedy shows. Wrote a hit song like Malang. How did you get inclined towards writing?
I was fond of writing songs, so initially I had written the lyrics of some songs, but they did not work. Then someone told me to write dialogues and a lyricist can write dialogues very well, because he writes focusing on every word, so I wrote dialogues for daily soaps. He liked my comedy so he gave me the contact to go to Comedy Circus. I liked comedy since childhood, so I narrated a script to them and they hired me on a monthly basis. Then I worked in that company for ten years. Later, being a Gujarati, I felt that I was doing a good job. If my writing is being sold then why should anyone else sell it, I sell it myself. Then in 2015, I left that company and started my own company where we make comedy shows. We made Khatra Khatra Khatra and make many YouTube shows.

Harsh Limbachiya Bharti Singh

How much of a role did Bharti have in bringing you from behind the camera to in front of the camera? What a big support system they consider.
The thing about coming in front of the camera is that Bharti does very good acting and comedy and I have made top comedy shows, so I always had a chance to come on stage but I never went. I felt like that was not my place. I am a very good writer, I progress in writing. Then I became a producer with ‘Khatra Khatra Khatra’. In that, for the first time I became a complete anchor and actor because I had created that show. My concept was, I was the one writing it so I felt why should anyone else earn money. I am the one who will come. That’s how I came on stage. Rest, Bharti is a huge support system in everything. When your partner motivates you that no problem, we will do it, it makes a lot of difference. When we got married, I used to earn Rs 14-15 lakh as a writer. Then when I decided to leave that work and start my own work, it was very risky. I had to face a lot of failure but at that time Bharti supported me a lot that we will do it and only then I was able to take this risk. Therefore, Bharti has a lot to do with our success today.

Harsh Limbachiya Bharti Singh

Bharti Singh Harsh Limbachiyaa

You are writer, producer, host, playing so many roles simultaneously. How do you coordinate with everyone?
To be honest, it is a bit difficult to manage everything but I have hired a very good team for production so that I can focus on planning and writing. At the same time, hosting does not seem like work to me. Hosting is fun. I had not thought of this. I hosted some episodes of Indian Idol when Aditya Narayan was unwell. Then I liked this team and the vibe of the show very much. The songs keep going, the fun keeps going, so for me it’s like a break from my hectic schedule. So, when I got the opportunity to host Superstar Singer 3, I happily said yes. Anyway, I consider myself very lucky because I am a writer. If you call a writer on stage after applying make-up and wearing nice clothes, that is a big thing. That’s why I do this work by bending down a lot.

Harsh Limbachiya Bharti Singh

Bharti and Harsh’s son Gola

Your son Gola is also quite famous on social media. How camera friendly is he in his personal life?
He really has a huge fan following. For the last two years, whenever I go out, there has not been a single person who has had a photo clicked with me but has not mentioned Gole. Touchwood, this is a big deal for a father. When he becomes a little wiser, I will ask him, son, what do you have to do? It happens that after seeing the glitz, children also go towards the glitz, but I wish from my heart that they should say something else that Papa, I will become a doctor or something else, then I will feel very good.

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