Monday, February 17th, 2025

If it didn’t make any difference in 98 then what now… Will it be easy for America to impose sanctions on India?

New Delhi: A deal was made between India and Iran regarding Chabahar port and America got worried. India on Monday signed a 10-year deal to operate Iran’s strategically important Chabahar port. America was stunned by this deal. The US side said that there is a possible threat of sanctions being imposed on any country doing business deals with Iran. US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said that I would like the Indian government to talk about its foreign policy goals in the context of Chabahar Port and its bilateral relations with Iran. One possible threat from the US side was sanctions. America has done this in the past too but it will not be easy to do this in the new times.When America imposed sanctions on India after Pokhran
America was also stunned when India conducted nuclear tests in Pokhran in 1998. Along with economic sanctions, many other sanctions were imposed on India by America. To avenge the blow to its ego, America instigated other countries as well to impose a ban on India. America banned giving loans and aid to India. American companies were banned from doing business and investing in India. Strict restrictions were imposed on India’s exports. The US denied India access to critical technologies related to space and nuclear energy. American companies were barred from selling defense equipment and software to India. The US sanctions negatively impacted the Indian economy. The value of the rupee fell and inflation increased. Some Indian companies suffered huge losses.

Vajpayee remained firm on his decision, did not listen to America
The Vajpayee government strongly opposed the US sanctions. He argued that the tests were necessary for India’s national security. Vajpayee also held diplomatic talks with America so that the sanctions could be lifted. After the ban, a new challenge came before India but the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee remained firm. A plan was made to withstand American sanctions and India also got success. After some time, a proposal for talks was made by the Bill Clinton administration of America. On behalf of America, Deputy Foreign Minister Strobe Talbot was made the negotiator, whereas Atal Bihari Vajpayee made Jaswant Singh the negotiator. There were very confidential conversations between Strobe Talbot and Jaswant Singh. Talbot placed a condition that America would lift the sanctions only if India stopped its missile programme. India did not accept the proposal to roll back its nuclear and missile programmes. Jaswant Singh explained to Talbot that it would be in America’s interest that India become capable of countering China’s nuclear power.

It is not easy for America to impose sanctions on India

Talbot has also mentioned the conversation held by Jaswant Singh in his book. After the talks that took place, the then US administration of George Bush took the talks further with India. The sanctions imposed by America gradually started being removed. Later, relations between the two countries improved significantly. On the statement that has come from America after the agreement with Iran, foreign affairs experts say that it is not easy to impose sanctions on India in today’s time. The Russia issue is a recent example when despite America’s objection, India took care of its interests and remained firm on them. There was a backdoor effort to get India to take part in voting against Russia, but there too India remained firm on its stand. Firstly, it is not easy to impose sanctions and even if such an attempt is made by America, India is capable of dealing with it.

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