Saturday, December 14th, 2024

Gym-diet will save money, change 3 eating rules, you will lose weight yourself, amazing solution from ancient scriptures

Weight gain is a serious problem that many people suffer from these days. This not only affects one’s beauty but also poses a risk of many physical and mental health problems.

Obesity risks What are? Weight gain increases the risk of many serious diseases including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, stress and sleep disorders, bone problems and cancer.

how to lose weightMost people go to expensive gyms or follow various diet plans to lose weight. Total Health Yoga Center Founder and Ayurveda Expert Maharudra Shankar Shete According to, to lose weight you should not do much but make some changes in your eating rules.

The biggest reason for weight gain

Ayurveda expert Maharudra said that the biggest reason for weight gain is the way you eat. In fact, most of the people are eating food against the methods prescribed in the scriptures. Let us know what mistakes people are making in terms of food.

eat less in the morning

eat less in the morning

Nowadays everyone is in a hurry in the morning. In a hurry to go to work or office, most people eat very little or skip breakfast. This is a major cause of weight gain.

To lose weight, follow the diet given in the scriptures.

full meal at noon

full meal at noon

Most of the people have this mentality that they should eat their fill in the afternoon. All those people who do not have breakfast in the morning or eat less, eat a lot in the afternoon. Due to this, food is not digested properly and weight increases.

overeating at night

overeating at night

A major reason for weight gain is that you consume excessive or heavy foods at night. Keep in mind that digestion slows down at night due to which food is not digested properly and weight increases.

how to eat to lose weight

how to eat to lose weight

Experts said that the digestive system becomes stronger in the morning and food gets digested quickly. You should have a filling breakfast. This will not cause you any problem. Weight will be reduced and digestion will be better. In the afternoon, one should eat half of the breakfast and at night one should eat half of the lunch.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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