Thursday, March 13th, 2025

Eat 1 apple in this manner continuously for 30 days, cholesterol and sugar will start decreasing, you will get these benefits

Apple is a very nutritious fruit, which is rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Since childhood, we are told that eating an apple every day keeps diseases away. But do you know what effect eating one apple every day for 30 days has on the body? This can prove to be very beneficial for your body.

Actually, by adopting this healthy habit, the difference starts showing in 30 days. Your heart and other organs start working better. However, along with this, it is important that you give up bad habits like sedentary lifestyle, bad food, alcohol and smoking. So let us know what are the benefits of eating apples continuously for 30 days.

Improved heart health

Eating apples for 30 days improves heart health. It contains fiber and antioxidants which help in controlling cholesterol levels. Science Direct But existing research shows that eating it reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Apples are low in calories and high in fiber. This reduces hunger and you can avoid overeating. It is an excellent option for weight loss. Also, it is full of natural sugar which does not cause weakness.

Which apple is good?

Improves digestion

Improves digestion

The fiber present in apple helps in improving the digestive system. This reduces the problem of constipation and keeps the digestion process smooth. However, keep in mind that eat apple only in the morning. Eating apple at night can cause stomach problems.

Benefits of eating apples continuously for 30 days

Benefits of eating apples continuously for 30 days
  • Immune system will be boosted
  • Beneficial for skin
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Increase brain power
  • Keep your bones healthy

how to eat apple

how to eat apple

Apple should be eaten with its peel. The best time to eat it is in the morning. Apart from this, you can eat it between two meals. Avoid eating it at night. Do not eat apple with any other fruit and chew it well.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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