Friday, February 7th, 2025

C-DOT and IIT-Jodhpur have joined hands for “Automated Service Management in 5G and beyond networks using AI”.

C-DOT, the research and development center of the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, signed an agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (IIT-J) to develop AI frameworks for automated network management, fault detection and diagnostics techniques. Are. Using continuous information generated within networks such as 5G.

The agreement titled “Automated Service Management in Networks beyond 5G and AI” was signed under the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) of DoT to support domestic companies and Indian companies in technology design, development and commercialization of telecom products and solutions for affordable broadband. Supports institutions. and mobile services in rural and remote areas.

This initiative will establish a real-time 5G and Beyond testbed (in compliance with O-RAN) to demonstrate automated network management and slicing technologies along with specific application use-cases such as smart metering, remotely operated vehicles, etc.

Dr. Sai Kiran, MPR, said, “We are thrilled to announce the R&D grant received from DoT, which aims to revolutionize network management and improve Quality of Service (QoS) in 5G and 6G telecommunication networks. will promote advanced research and development initiatives.” Associate Professor, IIT-Jodhpur.

He added, “By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, our team will lead the creation of automated network management solutions that ensure low-latency and high-reliability performance, enabling the development of new 5G and 6G application verticals such as remotely operated vehicles.” can be enabled.” Smart Cities, etc.”

C-DOT and IIT-Jodhpur highlighted that the successful completion of this project will enable new use cases in the areas of transportation systems, smart cities and will help India better contribute to future 6G telecommunication standards.

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