Children should not use social media sites
Officials advise that children under the age of two should not use any social media site. The Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health told the Economic Times that doctors, parents and the government are struggling to wean children off mobile addiction. For this, Sweden has prepared a policy, which aims to promote healthy development and preserve the innocence of childhood.
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How much screen time should be there at what age
Children below 2 years of age should not be allowed to watch any screen. Children between 2 and 5 years of age should not be allowed to watch mobile for more than 1 hour, children between 6 and 12 years of age should not be allowed to watch mobile for more than 2 hours and teenagers should not be allowed to watch mobile for more than 3 hours.
Parental control is necessary

The Swedish government says that everyone should follow the age limits set by social media and game companies. For this, parents should also monitor and control what their children watch.
Avoid screen time before sleep

It is important to avoid screen time in the bedroom before sleeping. Apart from children, this is a good step to improve sleep for adults as well.
Self reflection – Parents should also think about their own screen time. This kind of behavior can create a good environment for children at home.
What rules did other countries make

Other countries suggest that young children should use screens only for video chatting with acquaintances. In the United States and Ireland, experts recommend not giving screens to children before 18 months. According to French President Emmanuel Macron, children under the age of 3 should not be exposed to TV or any screen.
What is the logic behind not showing screens to small children

Many experts believe that screen use does not benefit children educationally. While some believe that excessive screen use reduces their activity during crucial time. A study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that children aged 2 to 4 years who are busy watching screens have reduced communication and problem solving skills.
Use of smartphones is banned in class

This year, at least eight states in the United States have banned students from using phones during school hours. A report published by UNESCO in 2023 found that smartphone use affects a child’s ability to learn in class. Not only this, UNESCO said that children having mobile phones and getting frequent notifications also causes a lot of disturbance in students’ studies.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.