Army recommends that if an Agniveer is martyred, his/her family should be given pension like help,

New Delhi:The Indian Army has recommended that if an Agniveer is killed in action, his/her family should be given help like pension for living. Along with this, the Army has also recommended that 50% or more Agniveers should be made permanent. Currently, under the Agneepath scheme, there is a provision to make only a maximum of 25% Agniveers permanent. The Army took feedback from all its units about the Agneepath scheme and Agniveers for about four months and conducted a complete survey within the Army itself. A few days ago, the Army has sent its recommendations to the Department of Military Affairs i.e. DMA on the basis of feedback and survey. The DMA head is the Chief of Defense Staff. According to sources, it has been said in the recommendation that if an Agniveer is killed, his/her family should be given subsistence allowance.

There is no such provision right now
According to an officer, this is a kind of pension. It has also been recommended that if Agniveer becomes disabled while working for the country’s defense, then he/she should also be given ex gratia (financial help). Currently, there is no such provision for Agniveer in the Agneepath scheme. The army recommends that at least 50 percent Agniveers in every batch should be made permanent. Along with this, it has also been recommended to increase the maximum age of Agniveers in the technical arm. According to sources, no recommendation has been made by the army to increase the tenure of Agniveer by four years.

The scheme was launched in June 2022
The Agneepath scheme was implemented in the Indian Army in June 2022 and with this the old recruitment system was completely abolished. All the recruitments taking place in the army are being done of Agniveers under the Agneepath scheme. With the implementation of the scheme, questions started being raised about it and it also started facing opposition. In the recently held Lok Sabha elections, the Congress had promised in its manifesto that if it comes to power, it will abolish the Agneepath scheme and implement the old recruitment system.

The opposition does not like the new scheme of the government
In the first Parliament session, the India Alliance opposed the Agneepath scheme and raised the issue of discrimination between Agniveers and regular soldiers. Many retired officers have said that the Agneepath scheme will reduce the operational capability and war fighting ability of the army. Former Navy Chief Admiral KB Singh wrote on a social media platform that ‘the motive behind bringing the Agneepath scheme was only to reduce the pension bill. Whereas the fact is that this scheme will reduce combat effectiveness and this fact is known to everyone who understands national security’.

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