NCBI According to it, if you eat food after meditating on mindfulness, then over eating is saved. While over eating, your weight also starts increasing and you may have to face many disadvantages. You should think about your appetite while eating food and not about the taste of food.
Many times we keep eating food to remove boredom despite having no hungry. This is a very unhealthy habit for the body, which is very important to remove. Let’s know the solution of over -eating.
Use small utensils
You have to use small plate and bowl while eating food, so that you will find it very much and full in less food. You will not even need to take any more in this because your mind will feel that you have eaten a lot of food. This will also help you to control the porition. People who eat food in small utensils are able to eat less food.
Eat things containing protein

You should eat things that are full of protein and fiber. Such things can be digested late by your body and till then you do not feel hungry. The body also benefits from these things and your stomach is also full. Therefore, you can include things like chicken, fish, eggs, cheese in your diet. To meet the needs of fiber, you can consume things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, bread etc.
Learn about emotional eating

According to Dr. Geeta Shroff, Director Nubela Center for Women Health, New DelhiWhen many people feel emotional stress, they start eating to comfort themselves. Many people start eating outside even when they feel themselves in boredom. he/she does not eat according to his/her hunger. Instead of eating in all these situations, you can busy yourself in another activity like you can talk to a friend at that time or put a walking round outside. Exercising will also be very good for your health.
Plan your mile and snacks

You should plan well about your whole day mile and snacks so that you cannot eat anything too much or anything less. Keep your snacks healthy as well. Avoid eating as much unhealthy food as you can and can eat more in different parts instead of eating at one time. Nutritious food options can also be kept in the form of snacks. Protein bars, fruits, vegetables, some crunchy nuts etc. can be eaten during the day when you feel hungry or want to do over eating.
Follow 20 minutes rule

It takes about 20 minutes for your mind to understand that your stomach is now filled and now not to eat the rest. If you feel like eating and eating, then stay for at least 20 minutes and know whether you are really hungry or not. Later you will feel that you are satisfied with eating and you do not need to eat any more.
Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.