These plants are a treasure trove for getting beautiful hair, they are easy to use as well as plant at home

We do everything to make our hair long, thick and thick. Even those things which we can grow and apply at home and save money, we buy them from the market at double the price and apply them on our hair.

But there are some plants which are no less than a treasure for hair and today in this article we are going to tell you about 5 such plants, which work to make hair longer and thicker and enhance its beauty. Let us know which are those plants.

Basil plant as a medicine for hair

Wild basil is usually found in forests and many people grow it at home due to its medicinal properties. This is because everything from its flowers to leaves and seeds is beneficial for hair and also helps in keeping the scalp clean.

Benefits of Rosemary

Benefits of Rosemary

From oil to hair mask, this rosemary plant used for hair helps in moisturizing our hair, enhancing its beauty and preventing hair fall as well as preventing scalp related problems.

aloe vera boon for hair

aloe vera boon for hair

Aloe vera is used for everything from skin to hair, and it would not be wrong to call it a natural hair conditioner. Along with preventing hair breakage and hair fall, it also improves blood circulation, which also helps in hair growth. If you do not have this plant in your house, then plant it today.

Hibiscus plant is very beneficial

Hibiscus plant is very beneficial

Hibiscus, which is called Hibiscus in English, this flower is considered a very effective and natural remedy for hair since ancient times. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals present in it help in making the hair healthy and shiny. If you want, you can apply this flower at home and use it as a hair pack or mask on your hair.

Give your hair the scent of lavender

Give your hair the scent of lavender

From body lotions to lotions, today there are many products that use lavender in their products. The plant has abundant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This flower is used to make hair packs and hair serums, which prevent hair fall and promote hair growth.

(Disclaimer: This article is for your information. Also remember that everyone’s skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any remedy. If your skin is sensitive or you have any kind of allergy, then first talk to a skin specialist. Use anything on your skin only as per their advice.)

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