How does a UN agency keep unfiltered Hamas propaganda on record?

A little-known UN agency is republishing reports based on unfiltered reports produced by a Hamas-linked human rights group about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, resulting in the terrorist group’s propaganda being widely shared with humanitarian relief groups. The actions taken have been placed on record in United Nations documents.

Israel’s press service has learned that the agency concerned, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), is republishing reports produced by the Geneva-based non-governmental organization, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

OCHA is responsible for Relief Web, an information portal widely used by the international humanitarian community that hosts over one million reports, assessments and guidelines on humanitarian situations around the world. TPS-IL’s review found that 114 Euro-Med reports were published on Relief Web since October 7, an average of one report every two days.

Data published on Relief Web is often incorporated into UN documents.

However, OCHA and Euro-Med reports on the Middle East paint a picture of alleged war crimes committed by Israel that are not supported by the facts and not independently verified.

From 7 October, Euro-Med reports broadcast on Relief Web accused Israel of “genocide”, organ theft, using banned thermal weapons, burying Palestinians in mass graves, massacring Palestinians in Gaza’s Shifa hospital, deliberately killing Palestinians as human beings, Accused of using her as a shield and having sex. Attack on Palestinian women.

The reports provided no evidence, and evidence of Hamas abuses and war crimes was either minimized or ignored – including readily available information about murder, torture, rape, and kidnapping.

“Any organization, even related to Hamas, a terrorist organization which is outlawed in many countries of the world, including the Gulf countries, can come and take control of the information coming within the UN organization, spread lies, As Yiffa Segal, an international law expert at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, told TPS-IL.

“This happens because the United Nations has absolute immunity. No administrative petition or legal route can be adopted to challenge this. The UN system is open to such significant exploitation, and there is no way for the truth to come out,” Segal explained.

“The chances of anything changing are zero. The main reason for this is that apart from Israel, there is no one to intervene and stop it in this matter. And Israel stands alone.

A 2020 Defense Ministry document in English, Arabic and Hebrew, containing then-Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s determination that Euro-Med founder and chairman Rami Abdu is a Hamas operative, authorizing the seizure of his assets.

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