Thursday, October 17th, 2024

7 Indian myths related to pregnancy and the truth behind them

Pregnancy is a time when many kinds of questions come to a woman’s mind. During this time, she keeps getting knowledge about different things from the people around her. Some of these are advices based on experience, while some are mere beliefs that have no scientific basis. These include topics ranging from the day of lunar eclipse to eating a particular thing for the color of the child.

We have brought here 7 such myths, whose truth you will also get to know. It is important to understand the truth of these myths so that right decisions can be taken during pregnancy and unnecessary worries can be avoided.

Myth: If a pregnant woman eats coconut, her baby will become fair

Truth: The color of the baby’s skin depends on genetics (genes) and not on any particular food. Coconut is a healthy food, but it has nothing to do with the color of the baby’s skin.

Myth: Eating pickles during pregnancy makes the baby dark in complexion

Myth: Eating pickles during pregnancy makes the baby dark in complexion

Truth: Pickles taste sour as well as spicy, but they have no effect on the color of the baby’s skin. Spicy food during pregnancy can sometimes increase acidity, so it should be eaten in balanced quantities.

Myth: Pregnant women should not step out during lunar eclipse

Myth: Pregnant women should not step out during lunar eclipse

Truth: Lunar eclipse has no scientific effect on a pregnant woman or unborn child. This is completely a superstition.

Myth: Cutting hair or nails during pregnancy is harmful

Myth: Cutting hair or nails during pregnancy is harmful

Truth: Cutting hair and nails is completely safe. It has no effect on pregnancy. This is just an old belief that has no scientific basis.

Myth: If a pregnant woman drinks milk with saffron, the baby will become fair

Myth: If a pregnant woman drinks milk with saffron, the baby will become fair

Truth: Saffron milk may be good for health, but it does not affect the skin colour of the baby. The colour of the baby depends on the genes of the parents.

Myth: Pregnant women should not bend over

Myth: Pregnant women should not bend over

Truth: There is no harmful effect of bending for a pregnant woman. If the woman feels comfortable, then she should not have any problem in worshiping or bending. However, in some special medical conditions, the doctor himself can forbid the woman from bending during pregnancy.

Myth: Eating lots of ghee during pregnancy makes delivery easier

Myth: Eating lots of ghee during pregnancy makes delivery easier

Truth: Ghee is definitely beneficial for the body, but it has no direct effect on the delivery process. Rather, excessive consumption of ghee can lead to weight gain, which can cause other complications in pregnancy. A balanced diet is the best.

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