Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Youth Day Speech: ‘Give 100 youth, I will change the world’…2 minute breath-taking speech on Vivekananda Jayanti and Youth Day

12 January National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Speech: Today’s date is 12 January. On this day, 162 years ago, a child was born, whom the world knows by the name of Swami Vivekananda. But January 12 is also celebrated as National Youth Day in India. Do you know why Youth Day is celebrated on Swami Vivekananda Jayanti? Actually, this article has been presented like a speech which will help you in giving speech on Youth Day or Vivekananda Jayanti. But it will also give many information about Youth Day and Vivekananda ji.

How to start a speech about Youth Day?

You can start your Youth Day speech with some poetic lines. As-
‘The youth is the one who does not get tired,
Not afraid of challenges.

After this, welcome the people present with words like Namaskar, Respected, Dear… Then we can move towards the main topic like this-
Today we are talking about a great personality who is a source of inspiration not only for India but for the entire world. Whom the whole world knows as Swami Vivekananda.

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Kolkata. his/her real name was Narendranath Dutt. Vivekananda’s father’s name was Vishwanath Dutt and mother’s name was Bhuvaneshwari Devi. his/her father was a lawyer and mother was a religious woman. Vivekananda ji was filled with curiosity and hunger for knowledge since childhood. To satisfy this hunger, he/she became the disciple of Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Later, adopting the ideals of his/her guru, he/she worked for society and religion. (Photo- Freepik)

Importance of National Youth Day

Importance of National Youth Day

Vivekananda ji had unwavering faith in the youth. he/she believed that youth are the future of the country. If the youth are aware, the country will progress. he/she had said, ‘You give me 100 youth, I will change the whole world.’ From this line you can imagine how much power lies within the youth. his/her ideas from a century ago are still relevant today.
This is the reason why the Government of India declared the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda as National Youth Day in 1984. Its objective is to convey the thoughts and ideals of Swami Vivekananda to the youth. (Photo- Freepik)

Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts for youth

Swami Vivekananda's thoughts for youth

Vivekananda ji had said, ‘Get up, wake up and stop not until the goal is achieved.’ he/she inspired the youth to become self-reliant. he/she said that ‘the purpose of education is not just to get a job, but to build character and self-reliance.’ he/she had said that ‘youth should use their energy in positive works.’ Even in today’s digital age, his/her thoughts can show us the right direction. (Photo- Freepik)

Vivekananda’s Chicago speech

Vivekananda's Chicago speech

Swami Vivekananda’s speech given in Chicago, America about 132 years ago is still remembered. When he/she said- ‘Brothers and sisters of America’. These few words had attracted the attention of the whole world towards him/her. This may sound like a small thing. But its impact was widespread. his/her speech proved how much importance Indian culture and philosophy has in the world. (Photo- Freepik)

Concluding speech on Youth Day

Concluding speech on Youth Day

Vivekananda’s life teaches us that nothing is impossible. No matter how many difficulties arise, giving up can never be the solution to any problem. his/her thoughts make one realize the power of thinking. When he/she said- ‘We become what we think.’ If the youth truly embrace his/her ideas, a major revolution can take place in the entire global society. The world can become beautiful and wonderful as it moves on the path of development.
You can end your speech on Youth Day with a few lines-
Get up, wake up, move forward,
Desire to make dreams come true.
Swami ji gave the message,
The disguise of the country is in the youth.
(Photo- kamarpukur.rkmm.org)

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