You must have heard a lot about the benefits of eating eggs, but today know about its disadvantages, it can ruin your stomach

Consuming eggs rich in high protein and nutrients is considered very beneficial for health. This egg is the best diet food for gym and exercisers. But consuming it in excess quantity daily in summers can be harmful for you, especially it can cause digestive problems.

Eggs are naturally hot. Therefore, in hot weather, it can also increase the factors causing heat stroke. Eggs contain many essential nutrients including protein and to benefit from it, consuming one to two eggs in the summer season is enough. But consuming more than this amount daily is not good for health in summer. An adult can get the necessary nutrition by consuming two eggs including the yolk of the egg. Many types of vitamins including vitamin B and D are also found in eggs. In such a situation, let us know what harm can be caused by its excessive consumption.

The heat increases

Eggs are naturally hot in nature, due to which eating them in hot weather can generate excess heat in the body. Eating them in the sun can also increase the risk of heat stroke and can also cause nose bleeding.

Digestive problems

Digestive problems

Consuming too many eggs can be very harmful for the digestive system, which can lead to problems like indigestion, gas and bloating. Some people may also experience severe stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

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Dehydration may occur

Dehydration may occur

In summers, the risk of dehydration in the body is high, and eating eggs increases the risk of dehydration even more. As eggs are hot, eating them causes more sweating due to the increased body temperature. This can increase the risk of dehydration.

May cause allergies

May cause allergies

Due to the heat in the body, consumption of eggs can cause allergies in some people. Due to which skin rashes, itching and other allergy symptoms can be seen.

Cholesterol may increase

Cholesterol may increase

The yolk of the egg contains high amounts of cholesterol. If you are already a patient of high cholesterol, then you should not eat eggs. Otherwise the risk of heart disease can also increase.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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