Remove this thing from the diet
What we are talking about is sugar. Yes, excess sugar intake increases the production of free-radicals, causing oxidative damage to DNA, protein and lipids. Also, it increases damage over time and contributes to premature aging of cells and tissue.
This was revealed in the report

A report (.) Of Unity Point Health (.) States that Chinese increases our age in many ways, interiors and externally, even it affects our skin. The doctor explained it in an easy way, if you put a banana on the counter and peel it, it will become brown in 24-48 hours. Because the sugar present in that banana is reacting with protein, causing cross-linking and browning reaction. The doctor said that the same reaction occurs in our body as well. We are getting brown from inside to outside.
Browning intensifies the reaction fructose

The report states that the kitble sugar is made up of glucose and fructose molecules. There is only fructose in the apes, which increases the “browning” response by seven times.
The more sugar, the more damage

Our skin is made up of collagen and elastin, which makes our skin soft and soft. While sugar causes cross-linking of collagen, which causes hardness and loss of elasticity. The more we eat sugar, the more our skin will be harmed.
Skin problems due to sugar

Eating too much sugar can also cause many other problems on the skin, such as redness, swelling, itching, infection, and changing skin color, etc.
How much sugar should be eaten in a day?
nHS.UK According to, adults should not eat more than 30 grams of free sugar a day. Apart from this, children between 7 and 10 years old should not take 24 grams daily and children between 4 to 6 years of age should not take more than 19 grams of free sugar.
Explain that one teaspoon of sugar (about 5 grams) contains about 20 calories. At the same time, a tablespoon sugar contains about 49-60 calories.
Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.