‘Yoga During Pregnancy: Effects on Maternal Comfort, Labor Pain, and Birth Outcomes.’ Title: In this study, pregnant women were divided into two groups. In the first group, those women were kept who did not do yoga. While the second group included those women who attended a one-hour yoga class every two weeks in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Finally, this study found that regular yoga practice in the last 10-12 weeks of pregnancy provides more comfort to the mother during labor and can help in the delivery process.
Expert advice
Big benefits of yoga during pregnancy
Researchers believe The movements done in yoga, breathing control and chanting can increase the amount of endorphins and serotonin in the body, which increases the ability to tolerate pain. Similarly, when endorphins are released in the blood by doing yoga, one experiences a kind of natural happiness. Also the pain does not feel sharp.
Warrior pose during pregnancy

According to experts VRepeatedly doing Rabhadrasana-2 or Warrior Pose increases the ability to tolerate labor pain. Adopt it during pregnancy on the advice of experts.
Also beneficial for mental health

Apart from bearing the pain of labor pain, yoga is helpful in staying mentally, physically and emotionally healthy. Relaxation, breathing and meditation keep the mind calm and balanced. Muscle tension goes away and the mind feels calm.
Is yoga good in the last days of pregnancy?

A study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology according to research In the last days of pregnancy, if women do Sukhasana, Paschimottasana, Marjariyasana, Bitlasana, Veerbhadrasana, Uttanasana, Urdhva Uttanasana, Veerasana and Ustrasana etc., then they get benefits.