Yes, we often put any cream on the face of a doctor’s advice, or start trying the tips mentioned on the Internet. This is our biggest mistake, but you are going to rectify this mistake Homeopathy doctor Raju Ram GoyalThose who have shared the video on their Instagram and have told about 3 such things, which should never be placed on their face. Somewhere you are not using them, let’s know about these 3 things. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @DR.Rajendragoyal)
Where do we make a mistake?
Be it women or men, we use many types of products and prescriptions to make our face beautiful, but sometimes their reaction is so bad that the skin starts getting better, it starts getting worse than before. You stop making this mistake, so Homeopathy doctor Raju Ram Goel has told about 3 things that harm the skin.
Instant glow cream

Dr. Goyal said that as much as we use instant fairness and glow skin, they improve the face for some time, but as soon as you stop using them, wrinkles and aging start coming. So if you are using any such cream, then stop today.
Use of lemon on the face

There are many video provisions on the Internet that are asked to apply lemon on the skin, but the homeopathy doctor says that ‘Never apply on lemon direct skin. Its pH level is very acidic which imbalances our skin barrier. ‘
Therefore, you should never use lemon directly on the skin of your face and other parts.
Do not accidentally put Colgate

Apart from lemon, Colgate is also something that people apply on their skin, but the doctor has also described it as harmful for our skin. Also told that without the advice of the doctor, do not apply any cream or recipe on your skin, otherwise the aging comes first.
Due to rising wrinkles on the face
Homeopathy doctors tell disadvantages

Doctor Raju Ram Goyal has given many disadvantages about using things desired on our face. Told them that without the advice of the doctor, applying anything on the face ends the glow of the skin, your skin deteriorates, the skin starts coming on the skin and the aging starts appearing. he/she also said that you should keep these things in mind.
(Disclaimer: The information and claims of the prescription given in the article are completely based on the video published on Instagram. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and effect. Be sure to consult an expert before trying any prescription.)