Friday, March 21st, 2025

World Cancer Day: Breast cancer is the enemy of women, what measures can be rescued, know everything

In today’s time, women have become a serious problem of breast cancer. This cancer is a cancer in the breast tissue. This begins when breast cells start growing uncontrollably and take the form of tumors. Breast cancer occurs at any age after puberty in women in every country in the world, but its rate increases in later life. If breast cancer is not detected on time and if it is not treated, then it is in the nearby breast tissue Can spread and take severe form. Also, the patient can also die. At the same time, if it is tested quickly, then the treatment becomes easier and it increases the chances of recovering.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)In 2022, 157 out of 185, breast cancer was the most common cancer among women and this led to 670,000 deaths globally in 2022. Death due to breast cancer is also because most people are not aware of this. Therefore, World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4 February. It aims to make people aware of cancer, work for its prevention, and to reduce cancer deaths. Let’s know about the cause of breast cancer, symptoms and prevention measures.

Causes of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a common cancer to women. But very few people know that it develops in men besides women. There can be many reasons for this, such as
Do not have breastfeeding
Hormone treatment
Marriage and pregnancy at an older age
Family history
Lack of physical activity
growing old

Symptoms of breast cancer

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To reduce the deaths from breast cancer, it is necessary that you know about its symptoms, so that it can be diagnosed and started treatment on time. WHO has stated in its report that most people will not experience any symptoms of cancer on the early stage of cancer. Symptoms can be combined in breast cancer. Here are some symptoms of breast cancer-
Breast lumps or thick, often without pain
Breast or nipple size
Skin pits, redness or other changes
Unusual or bloody fluid from the nipple.

Measures to avoid breast cancer

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Diet- To avoid all serious diseases including breast cancer, it is necessary to have healthy and balanced diet. With this you can live a long and healthy life. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, protein and grains in your diet.
Make a distance from these things- Apart from this, avoid more sugar, fat things, fast food, fried things, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates.
Physical activity is necessary- Apart from this, keep yourself active physically. For this, do yoga or exercise daily.
Distance from alcohol and smoking- To avoid the risk of breast cancer, it is necessary to distance from smoking and alcohol drinking habits.
Weight Management- Keep your weight under control.
Breast feeding- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. Breastfeeding reduces hormone estrogen levels, which reduces the growth of breast cancer cells.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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