Why does India want to study Venus
Former ISRO scientist Vinod Kumar Srivastava says that Venus is the closest planet to Earth. This is the reason why ISRO wants to study it. In scientific studies, it has been believed that earlier there was life on Venus just like on Earth. Its climate and atmosphere were also similar to our Earth. But, after centuries of change, this planet is not fit for living, let alone breathing. The reason is that the average temperature of Venus is 464 degrees Celsius. That is, it is so hot here that even lead can melt in this temperature. This mission is important for India because its dominance in space will increase.
Understand why Venus is called a devilish planet
Venus and Earth are considered twins because their weight and density are almost the same. They even form the inner part of the solar system. But some special features make it completely evil. Venus has such a thick layer of carbon dioxide that it keeps having a greenhouse effect. This is why it is so hot here that even lead can melt. It has a 15 mile long layer of sulfuric acid that keeps raining acid on it. This is why the possibility of life here is negligible.

This planet is a mountain of greenhouse gases
Venus has the highest amount of carbon dioxide. The atmosphere here is full of carbon. Due to this, the atmosphere here has become extremely poisonous. Not only humans, but even plants and trees cannot grow here. Apart from this, clouds of sulfuric acid are formed here in such large quantities that it causes extremely acidic rain. Apart from this, ultra violet rays from such clouds also cause solar heating.
This mission can be launched by March 2028
ISRO can launch the Venus Orbiter Mission by March 2028, because at that time this planet will be closest to Earth. The central government has approved a fund of Rs 1236 crore for this mission. Out of this, Rs 824 crore will be spent only on Shukrayaan. That is, first a suitable rocket will be made for this mission. Then it will be seen how heavy a satellite it can carry with it. If it is not launched in 2028, then it will be possible only by 2031.

Shukrayaan will study Venus while orbiting it
According to Vinod Srivastava, Shukrayaan is an orbiter mission. This means that Shukrayaan will orbit around Venus and study it and the Sun. It will have many scientific payloads. However, the two most important payloads are – High Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar and Ground Penetrating Radar. Now how much these will weigh and how heavy the rocket carrying it is, will also have to be considered. Along with this, it will also bring the soil of Venus with it.

ISRO may have to face these challenges
According to Vinod Kumar Srivastava, there will be many challenges in the path of Shukrayaan mission. The reason is that Venus’s high temperature and pressure is so high that it can destroy Shukrayaan. Keeping the instruments of the orbiter mission safe will be a very challenging task. Also, the poisonous atmosphere of this planet can be a matter of concern for the mission. Apart from this, the instruments of the mission can be destroyed by acid rain.
One day on Venus is equal to one year on Earth
One day on Venus is equivalent to a year on Earth. No other planet is as close to Earth as Venus. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is 90 times that of Earth.

Venus is named after the goddess of love and beauty
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus. It is the only planet in our solar system that is named after a goddess. The names of the rest of the planets are based on gods. After the moon, it is the brightest planet in the solar system. Unlike other planets, Venus and Uranus rotate clockwise on their axis.
China will be able to send Venus mission by 2027
By 2031, the US space agency NASA VERITAS and the European Space Agency EnVision are going to be launched. China will be able to send a mission to Venus by 2026 or 2027. Pakistan, which talks about terrorism and weapons, has no presence in the world of space.
So far 46 missions have been sent to Venus
46 space missions have been sent to Venus. Missions to Venus are part of the study of Venus. The Soviet Union and then the US have soft landed probes on the surface. The US sent its first mission named Mariner 1 on July 22, 1962, which failed. Mariner 2 was sent again on August 27, 1962, which was successful. Russia sent its first mission named Sputnik 7 on February 4, 1961. But it got its first success on June 12, 1967 when Venera 4 was sent. The European Union and Japan have also sent their missions.