Monday, January 13th, 2025

What to do with the remaining Expressed Breastmilk, 5 best uses suggested by the doctor will keep the baby healthy

Mother’s milk is liquid gold for babies. When a mother expresses milk from the breast into a bowl and the child does not drink it, it is called expressed milk. Many people believe that if the child does not drink the milk expressed from the breast, it gets stored and becomes old. In such a situation, the question is what to do with this remaining milk.Pediatrician Dr. Pulkit Gangwal According to , leftover expressed breast milk may not be good for feeding your baby, but it is not useless. Its natural properties can provide relief from minor problems of the baby. Know here how you can use leftover expressed breast milk.

fix cracked nipples

Many times children make cuts on the nipple to gain grip. Or sometimes due to change in weather, the best gets cracked due to dryness. Usually, doctors suggest applying cream to cure it. but the leftovers expressed breast milk You can use it to heal cracked nipples.

Use in diaper rash

It is best to use leftover expressed breast milk for diaper rash. Actually, breast milk has anti-inflammatory properties, which can provide relief from diaper rashes caused due to swelling and irritation.

treat baby acne

According to experts, baby acne can be treated with leftover expressed breast milk. Usually the rash occurs on the chin, cheeks and back of children. However, these are not permanent, but if you want to get rid of them quickly, then leftover breast milk is the right solution.

Best treatment for eczema

If your baby skin irritationIf you feel dryness or itching, applying expired expressed breast milk can provide a lot of relief. Let us tell you that milk has natural moisturizing properties, which along with maintaining moisture in the skin, prevent it from drying.

beneficial in cradle cap

Sometimes scaly, dry patches form on the baby’s scalp, called cradle cap It is said. Aged expressed breast milk works to loosen the scales and add moisture to the scalp. Massage the baby’s scalp gently with breast milk. Leave it on for a few minutes and then remove the flakes with a comb.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information

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