Weight had increased to 125 kg, the man ate these 3 things for breakfast, weight reduced by 5 kg every month, the whole world is asking the secret

Obesity or weight gain is a serious problem that most people are worried about. It is not just a problem but a disease that can lead to many serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, thyroid.

As easy as it is to gain weight, it is much more difficult to lose it. Weight is lost very slowly and results are delayed and this is the reason why most people who try to lose weight give up in the middle.

If you want to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way, then you should take a lesson from Tarak Kirtania. Tarak’s weight used to be around 125 kg. But he/she did not give up in the middle and took rest only after losing weight. Today we are telling you about his/her weight loss journey.

Weight had increased to 125 kg

Tarak is still young and his/her age is not more than 25 years. At such a young age, his/her weight had reached 125 kg. After being taunted and made fun of by friends, family and acquaintances, he/she started his/her weight loss journey. Due to his/her hard work and better diet plan, he/she surprised everyone by losing about 60 kg of weight in just 11 months.

This was the workout plan

This was the workout plan

To lose weight, Tarak did all kinds of exercises in the gym which included cardio, weight training, strength training etc. Apart from this, he/she also did different types of exercises at home to burn fat. Apart from this, Tarak is also fond of swimming which is a great way to lose weight.

This is how Tarak lost 60 kg weight

This was the diet plan

This was the diet plan


Between 7 and 8 in the morning- 4 eggs for 30 grams of protein, 2 multigrain breads and 1 roti for 20 grams of carbohydrates


Between 1 and 2 – Protein 3 grams, Carbs 80 grams and Fat 11 grams, Rice – 50 grams, 3 bowls of cooked lentils i.e. 450 grams raw lentils, Salad – 0.5 cup and 200 grams curd.


Pre-workout meal (1 hour before): Toned milk- 250 grams, one banana and 15 grams of peanut butter for protein 14 grams, carbs- 40 grams and fat- 15 grams.

distance from these things

distance from these things

Tarak completely avoided sugar and sugar products from his/her diet. Remember that sugar is the biggest reason for weight gain. Apart from this, Tarak kept away from things like soda, cola, sweet coffee, chips, biscuits, chocolate, and ice cream.

Protein Foods for Weight Loss

Protein Foods for Weight Loss

Tarak believes that protein is very important for weight loss and getting a well-toned body. Tarak said that eating protein rich foods helped him/her lose weight easily. For this, he/she has advised to eat things like chickpeas, oats, nut butter, quinoa, lentils, eggs, broccoli, feta and nuts mix in the diet.

Eating these things controlled the hunger or craving for food

Eating these things controlled the hunger or craving for food

Tarak told that during the weight loss journey, one feels like eating useless things that increase weight. These things do not allow weight loss, so it is important to control your hunger or craving. For this, you should consume a mixture of chia seeds and curd in your diet. This is a combination that contains plenty of protein and fiber.

Disclaimer: What worked for the author may not necessarily work for you. So avoid blindly following the diet-workout mentioned in this article and find out what works best for your body.

If you have a similar weight loss story to share, send it to us at nbtlifestyle@timesinternet.in.

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