Friday, December 27th, 2024

Want to quit tobacco but can’t quit? Follow these 5 tips from WHO and you will be saved from cheek rot

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 60 percent of the 1.25 billion tobacco users worldwide want to quit tobacco. WHO has issued a special guideline for all such people. WHO says that these guidelines are an effective step towards helping all countries of the world effectively quit tobacco and reduce the global burden of tobacco-related diseases.

Risk of diseases due to smoking

<strong>Risk of diseases due to smoking </strong>” title=”<strong>Risk of diseases due to smoking </strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>Smoking increases the risk of serious diseases like cancer. Research also shows that smokers are at higher risk of depression. Nicotine addiction affects brain chemistry and neurotransmitter function and makes a person sick. In such a situation, WHO has recommended varenicline, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and cytosine as effective treatments for people wishing to quit tobacco.<iframe class=

​World No Tobacco Day 2024: See what people think about tobacco​

Are you not inviting these deadly diseases?

  • lung cancer: Tobacco is considered to be the main cause of lung cancer.
  • Erectile dysfunction: There is a problem that does not allow an erection to occur properly.
  • Diabetes: Tobacco consumption is considered one of the major causes of diabetes.
  • Heart disease: Consuming tobacco increases the risk of heart disease.

WHO’s measures to quit tobacco

<strong>WHO’s measures to quit tobacco</strong>” title=”<strong>WHO’s measures to quit tobacco</strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>According to the US CDC, varenicline is a pill that does not contain nicotine. You need a prescription for it. This pill works differently from other tobacco quitting medicines. It may be an especially good option for people who have tried other medicines to quit tobacco but have not been successful.</span></section>
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Cytosine is also helpful in quitting tobacco

<strong>Cytosine is also helpful in quitting tobacco</strong>” title=”<strong>Cytosine is also helpful in quitting tobacco</strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>Bupropion is an FDA-approved antidepressant drug that is now also used in smoking cessation. WHO states, “It is a non-nicotine-based treatment and helps in quitting tobacco. It is given to people in many countries to quit tobacco. Like bupropion and varenicline, cytosine is also helpful in quitting tobacco.<strong></strong></p>
<p>Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.</p>

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