Water in the form of snow on the moon
According to information received from Chandrayaan-3, the soil temperature near the southern pole of the moon is up to 82 ° C. This is 25 ° C more than expected. Scientists believe that this is because the lander has landed on a slope on which the sunlight is falling. This scientist K. Durga Prasad said that it is very important to know the temperature of different places on the moon. This will know about water ice and will also help in understanding other aspects of science and discovery. he/she said, “Search of water snow is very important for humans to live and search on the moon. The temperature of the moon not only determines the water snow, but also runs other aspects of science and search.”
The temperature on the moon changes very fast
The discovery has been published in a magazine called Nature Communications Earth and Environment. In this research, many scientists of it have worked together. Scientists found that there is a lot of difference in temperature due to small changes on the surface of the moon. This change near the equator is less, but the poles have more. Before Chandrayaan-3, the moon temperature was measured from a distance. Apollo 15 and 17 missions also measured temperatures, but they were near the equator. Chasste has measured the temperature near the southern pole of the moon for the first time. This has given new information about the temperature of the moon.
Scientists made computer models
Scientists have created computer models using data from Chaste. These models show that more than 14 ° slopes can be good for water snow. Sunlight falls low in these places, so the temperature is low. This increases the chances of searching on the moon in future and living humans. Prasad said, “Compared to polar regions, these places are technically less challenging, but scientifically important for the discovery of resources. Understanding the temperature of the moon is necessary for many reasons, including the safety of the mission, discovery of resources and long living arrangements.” This means that there are places on the moon where water snow can be found and it can be easy to live there.
What is the specialty of moon soil?
The thermal conductivity of the soil of the moon is low. This means that it does not allow the heat to go easily. Therefore, there is a great difference in temperature within a few centimeters of the surface. Chasste has given information about the thermal conductivity of the moon surface by measuring this temperature difference. This will help in finding better ways to search on the moon in the future. Prasad said, “By measuring these temperature changes, Chaste has not only improved our understanding of the thermal conductivity of the moon surface, but has also provided important data for future missions.”
Help will be given in settling human colony on the moon
Space agencies around the world are planning to send a long mission on the moon. Information received from Chaset shows how important it is to choose the right place to land on the moon and remove resources. These discoveries can help in settling human settlements on the moon and removing resources like water snow. With this, the life of humans can be possible even outside the earth.
The analysis of data from Chaaste experiment of Chandrayaan-3 is still going on. In the coming time, more research papers will be published on it. It is also worth noting that Chandrayaan-1 of India was the first mission to discover water molecules on the surface of the moon. Due to this, interest in the moon of other countries has increased. The discovery of water on the moon has been an important goal of many lunar missions.