Friday, December 13th, 2024

Vitamin B12 deficiency will melt your flesh and bones, eat these 10 things to add strength to your weak frame

Just like nutrients like iron, protein and calcium are needed for the better functioning of the body, Vitamin B12 is also necessary. It is a water-soluble vitamin that gives strength to the body and keeps it healthy and promotes its many functions.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) report (ReferenceAccording to the , vitamin B12 makes red blood cells, which are necessary to deliver oxygen to the body. It is also essential for the functioning of the nervous system.

It helps keep the brain and spinal cord healthy. It also helps make DNA. If you are not getting enough vitamin B, you may become weak and sick.

How much vitamin B12 does the body need daily

  • Children 6 months to 1 year: 0.4 micrograms (mcg)
  • Children 1 to 3 years old: 0.9 mcg
  • Children 4 to 8 years old: 1.2 mcg
  • Children 9 to 13 years old: 1.8 mcg
  • Men and women 14 years and older: 2.4 mcg
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women: 2.8 mcg

Symptoms and diseases of vitamin B12 deficiency, see the video

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Numbness
  • failure to maintain balance
  • not being able to remember things
  • Anaemia
  • Pallor of the skin
  • tingling in feet
  • Loss of memory
  • breathlessness

Health Problems Caused by Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Health Problems Caused by Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  1. Megaloblastic anemia: In this there is a decrease in red blood cells.
  2. Low blood cells: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause low numbers of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Sometimes all three.
  3. Glossitis: The tongue may become red and swollen.
  4. Weakness and fatigue: Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to feeling constantly tired.
  5. Heart beats faster.
  6. Yellow skin: The skin may turn yellow.
  7. Dementia: The risk of developing dementia may increase.
  8. Weight loss: Body weight may decrease suddenly.
  9. Infertility: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause infertility.
  10. Shortness of breath: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause you to have shortness of breath.

What to eat for Vitamin B12

What to eat for Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is naturally found only in animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance should consume foods rich in vitamin B12 or take vitamin B12 supplements.

  • Meat: Beef, lamb, pork, and chicken
  • Fish: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines
  • Eggs: egg yolk
  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Foods rich in vitamin B12: Some cereals, soy products, and plant-based milks are fortified with vitamin B12.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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