Monday, February 17th, 2025

Vikas Divyakirti said ‘If the father does not love the child as much as the mother, the child’s future can be ruined’

While talking about parenting during one of his/her speeches or shows, Vikas Divyakirti said that a mother should love her children unconditionally and the father should be a little strict. A father should love his/her children conditionally. This means that ‘Son, if you do this work, you will get love, otherwise you will not.’ If the child does something good, love him/her, praise him/her. This will make the child realize that not everything is free. I have to perform something.

Photo courtesy: instagram (divyakirti.vikas)

It is important for the father to be strict

How can a mother love?

Vikas said that a mother’s love for her child should be such that no matter what happens, the child is with me. In this way, one parent should give unconditional love and the other parent should give conditional love. In this, when any problem arises, the child will feel that no matter what happens, his/her mother is there to support him/her.

Photo courtesy: freepik

father will give pressure

father will give pressure

At the same time, he/she should get some stress from his/her father so that he/she can get motivation to move forward. In this way, there is a balance in the child’s life regarding the love of the parents. he/she gets support and encouragement in his/her family.

This was the opinion of Vikas Divyakirti. Now in this article, some other tips for raising children have also been given.

Photo courtesy: freepik

Build positive relationships

Build positive relationships

Focus on building a strong and loving relationship with your children. Talk to them regularly, take an interest in what they say, and understand their feelings. This will create an atmosphere of security and trust in your relationship, which will make children feel comfortable to learn and grow.

Encourage positive behavior

Encourage positive behavior

When children behave well, praise them and give them positive reinforcement. This will motivate them to behave well in the future as well. he/she will feel that you praise him/her for behaving correctly. This will motivate him/her to behave well again and again.

Set clear and positive boundaries

Set clear and positive boundaries

Boundaries are important for children to feel safe and protected. Clearly state what you expect from them and explain consequences in a positive way when boundaries are violated.

Apart from this, communicate openly with your children. Listen to them carefully and validate their feelings. This will help solve problems and boost their confidence. Involve children in tasks and seek their help. This will teach them a sense of responsibility and make them feel competent.

Photo courtesy: freepik

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