Monday, February 17th, 2025

US Ragging Policy: What are the rules regarding ragging in America, what is the punishment if caught?

American Ragging Rules: More than three lakh Indian students are studying in America. Every year the number of students going to study here is increasing. However, there is a fear in the mind of every parent who sends their children to study in America. The fear being talked about here is ragging. Students are also worried about ragging. In India, strict rules have been made regarding ragging. Students who do this not only face criminal action, but their admission is also cancelled.
Now the question arises whether some rules have been made regarding ragging in America also? Is action taken against ragging people here also? The answer to these questions is yes. In America, people know ragging as hazing, which is exactly the same thing. Here, strict action is taken against students who indulge in hazing. In some cases, they may even be sentenced to jail, while in some cases, they are failed or their marks are reduced.

What is hazing?

The scope of hazing includes all those activities through which students are made to do things against their will in order to become part of a group. Insulting students, hurting them mentally or physically, or harassing them is considered hazing. Hazing often involves activities that humiliate, harm, or pressure a person to prove his/her or her loyalty to a group.

These activities may include forced consumption of alcohol or food, physical exhaustion through strenuous tasks, public embarrassment, social isolation, or involvement in illegal activities. In severe cases, students even lose their lives due to physical violence. However, many times physical harm is not caused in hazing, rather students are made to do some work which troubles them mentally.

Law passed regarding hazing

US President Joe Biden recently signed the ‘Stop Campus Hazing Act’, making it a law. Its purpose is to increase transparency and fix accountability regarding hazing between colleges and universities. The Stop Campus Hazing Act requires universities to collect hazing data and include it in their regular public reports. The new law has come into force and it is going to affect all higher education institutes.

In fact, colleges and universities were previously required to disclose campus crimes annually under old federal laws. After Biden implements this legislation, many institutions will now have to align their existing rules with these new federal standards. In addition to requiring colleges to report hazing incidents, these laws also require colleges to enforce rules to prevent hazing and identify students who violate anti-hazing policies.

What action is taken against those who commit hazing?

Hazing is prohibited in all but six states of America. Most states also have anti-hazing laws, under which there is a provision for fines if found guilty. There are 13 states where criminal action is taken against students involved in hazing. In most colleges, laws have been made regarding hazing. If a student is caught hazing, the college takes action as per law. But if any student gets harmed due to hazing, then the police also intervenes.

In many states, there is also a provision to send students involved in hazing to jail. Universities often suspend students who commit hazing. Even if the incident of hazing is minor, action is taken against the student. However, instead of taking drastic action, their marks in some courses are reduced, their alumni status is revoked and if they are part of any club, they are expelled from it. In simple language, there are strict rules in the US against hazing.

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