The exam answer keys for all days and shifts have been released. You can raise objections against the provisional answer key as per the schedule given below:
Exam on 23 August: September 11 to September 15 (till 12 midnight)
Exam on 24th August: September 12 to September 16 (till 12 midnight)
Exam on 25th August: September 13 to September 17 (till 12 midnight)
Exam on 30th August: September 14 to September 18 (till 12 midnight)
Exam on 31st August: September 15 to September 19 (till 12 midnight)
Along with the objections on the UP Police Result, you also have to submit relevant documents/information in support of your claims. The board will review your submitted feedback. If your objections are found to be correct, the final answer key will be revised. The UP Police Constable Result will be prepared using the final answer key.
How to check UP Police Constable Result 2024: How to check UP Police Constable Result
- First of all you have to visit the official website of the board,
- After this click on the Police Constable Result link given on the home page.
- Now you have to log in to your account by providing the required information.
- After this you will have to submit your details and see your result on the next page.
The exam was conducted for more than 48 lakh candidates at 1,174 exam centers located in 67 districts of the state of UP. You should keep visiting the UPPRPB website regularly for UP Police Constable exam result and final answer key updates.