How many Sarvodaya Vidyalayas in which grade?
Out of 95 Ashram Method schools run by the Social Welfare Department, 52 are affiliated to the UP Board. The department had also prepared the syllabus for UP Board schools on the lines of CBSE. As per the prescribed syllabus, studies were conducted from July to 15th August. After this, unit tests of the students were conducted. Grading of schools was done on the basis of unit test results. Leave aside A+ category, not a single school could come in A category. Nine schools got B category. Apart from this, 25 schools came in C category and 17 in D category.
What did the director say?
When Social Welfare Director Kumar Prashant was asked about this, he/she said, ‘After the implementation of the grading system, why the results did not come as expected, a discussion is being done. Teachers have been warned to improve their functioning. Efforts will be made to improve the results in the next grading.