Friday, February 14th, 2025

Two women officers of the Navy will set out to travel the world by sea in a boat, know what challenges they will face

New Delhi : Indian INSV Tarini, a 17 meter long and 5 meter wide boat, will carry two women officers of the Indian Navy on a world tour by sea. The two women officers will complete a journey of 21600 nautical miles by sailing the boat at the speed of wind in the sea for 8 months. This is the second edition of Indian Navy’s Navika Sagar Parikrama. Earlier in 2017, six women officers of the Navy had completed circumnavigation (measuring the world by sea).

The journey will be completed in 8 months

Indian Navy’s Vice Chief Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan said that Lieutenant Commander Dilna and Lieutenant Commander Roopa will start Sagar Parikrama from Goa on 2 October. This journey will be completed in eight months and during this time both these officers will sail more than 21600 nautical miles. There will be no external support to run the boat, that is, there will be no engine and the boat will have to be run with the power of the wind. During this time, they will face high seas, extreme weather conditions and it will also be a test of human endurance.

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Preparation for three years

Lieutenant Commander Dilna and Rupa have been preparing for Sagar Parikrama for about three years. The Navy sought volunteers for the second edition of Sagar Parikrama and many women officers came forward. These two women officers were selected. During the preparation, both of them also completed the journey from Goa to Mauritius, Goa to Cape Town via Rio-de-Janeiro and back, Goa to Port Blair in a boat. They learned medical skills so that they could take care of themselves during the 8-month journey and also learned the maintenance of the boat. Because in the 8-month long Sagar Parikrama, they will have to do everything themselves.

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The equator must be crossed twice

Lieutenant Commander Dilna and Rupa told that for circumnavigation it is necessary to end the journey at the same port from where it started. One should not pass through any canal or strait. The equator has to be crossed at least twice. This journey should be of at least 21600 nautical miles (40100 kilometers). One has to pass through three capes, which include Cape Leeuwin of Australia, Cape Horn of South America, Cape of Good Hopes in South Africa. Also, the International Dateline has to be crossed.

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China’s challenge?

At a time when China is showing aggression and there is a challenge in the form of China, how do you see Sagar Parikrama, on this question the Vice Chief of the Navy said that I think that when there is such a challenging situation, this kind of (Sagar Parikrama) activity becomes more important. When all this is happening, we are launching Navika Sagar Parikrama which will take our flag to all friendly countries. This is sports, this is a good activity, it will bring the spirit of goodness, happiness and adventure.

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