Travel blogger revealed the secrets of Pakistan hotel rooms, shared the video and told the truth

Who doesn’t like to travel around the world? Whether the journey is short or long, difficulties do arise. During this, the biggest problem is to find a cheap hotel room. It is very difficult to find a cheap and good hotel in a new country or new place. But if you come to know which place in the world has the cheapest hotel room, then perhaps you can plan a trip there. Recently, a travel blogger from Netherlands has told about the cheapest hotel room in the world, which is in Peshawar, Pakistan. Let us know how much is the rent of this hotel room. ()

Room will be available for $1.40

Travel blogger Tom found this room while travelling to Peshawar in Pakistan. he/she got a hotel room for just 1.40 dollars. This room costs 117 rupees in Indian rupees and 400 rupees in Pakistani rupees. Let us tell you that Tom has travelled to 159 countries of the world, but this is the first time he/she has seen such a cheap room and he/she has also shared its video on his/her account.

How is the one dollar room

How is the one dollar room

If we think in terms of Indian Rupees, then this room is very cheap. It costs only 117 Rupees. Even a good chocolate cannot be bought here, so one can only imagine how such a cheap room would be. But when the travel blogger saw the room for one dollar, he/she was surprised. This room looked very beautiful with two beds, a TV, a fan and a big window.

More than 8 lakh people saw it

More than 8 lakh people saw it

Let us tell you that the blogger had shared this video a few months ago, which was seen by 8 lakh people. This video has received more than 16 thousand likes so far. However, some people are motivating the blogger, while some people are saying that Pakistan is a beautiful city. Why not show the better side of this country instead of showing such a place.

People here are very kind

People here are very kind

The travel blogger has said that these people of North-West Pakistan are very friendly, easy-going and kind. They are very happy to see tourists in their country. They were feeling very proud while showing me the room.

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