Tourists lost 6 crore rupees in this scam, you too should not make this mistake by mistake, keep your eyes open while traveling

Who doesn’t like to travel, but whenever we go out for a trip, we often fall prey to scams. These scams are done so cleverly that tourists don’t even know about it. We all know how difficult it is to plan a trip and tourists spend a lot of money on it, so everyone wants that they don’t have to face any kind of trouble during the trip.

That is why we are telling you that while preparing for the trip, packing, booking flights, hotels is as important as it is to know about these scams. These scams can happen with tourists in any country or city. Let us know what kind of scams can happen with tourists.

train ticket scam

The network of Indian Railways is quite old and for many years, lakhs of passengers travel by trains every day. Indian Railways has provided the facility of booking tickets online to the passengers, but then many agents take huge amount from the passengers by promising to confirm the reservation seat, but later do not book any seat.

Not only this, a person told that an agent told us that he/she will book our train ticket in first class, but later we came to know that the train ticket is not of first class. After which our money was lost.

Fake Tour Guide Scam

Fake Tour Guide Scam

India is an attractive country full of rich history and culture, and in such a situation, the number of fake tour guides is increasing day by day. Who are trying to grab maximum money from tourists.

These fake tourist guides call themselves official guides. In such a situation, you will think that this is a well-known guide and you should book him/her, but this is not so, the people we are talking about are their own people, who pretend to trap other tourists. Therefore, while booking a tour guide, it is wise to know about him/her well first.

Jewellery scam

Jewellery scam

Some time ago, there was a news in which a jeweler father-son duo from Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur sold artificial jewelry worth Rs 300 to an American woman for Rs 6 crore. This news was discussed a lot on social media. Let us tell you that even today such scams are happening in India and other countries.

Where even a simple thing is sold to tourists by calling it priceless. If you are shopping for jewellery in your country or any other country, then first of all keep your eyes and ears open and pay attention to what the seller is trying to sell you. Along with this, you should also keep in mind that while shopping in local markets, do not buy any item that seems more expensive than necessary.

Taxi driver scam

Taxi driver scam

This scam is a tactic used by some dishonest taxi or rickshaw drivers. Such a thieve usually starts very innocently, when a tourist hires a taxi or rickshaw and the driver agrees to take him/her to the destination, then after travelling a certain distance, he/she requests the tourist to have a companion, friend or family member also ride in the taxi and get off at a certain distance.

The taxi driver has already won the heart of the tourist with his/her good nature, so he/she is unable to refuse them. After this the real story of the scam begins. The taxi driver and his/her partner take the tourist to a deserted place and start robbing and threatening them.

If this ever happens to you, our advice is that you should immediately get off the taxi and take another one or do not allow anyone else to sit in it.

Scam of begging for essential items

Scam of begging for essential items

If you have seen Slumdog Millionaire and if you haven’t, you should watch it. You will be able to understand this scam better. See, beggars are not always what they appear to be. Begging scams are very common, which happen in many countries including India. Let us tell you, this is a big racket, which targets a large number of tourists.

You will see some beggars in crowded areas or famous tourist places, who will appeal to tourists to buy essential items like dinner, medicine or infant formula. They will say that you don’t give money, buy the goods and give them, after which when you buy the goods from a nearby shop, then later these beggars go to the same shop and return the goods and take money from them. Let us tell you, shopkeepers are also involved in this scam.

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