This snack is the almond of the poor, it fills the body with energy while sitting and keeps brain diseases away

In India, peanuts are called the almond of the poor. They are consumed for everything from passing time to satisfying mild hunger. They are boiled, toasted, mixed in poha and often eaten as breakfast. These small legumes are full of many health benefits. Peanuts are rich in protein, healthy fats and many nutrients.

Peanuts can help in making old age healthy. It contains sufficient amount of vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen helps in maintaining the stability and flexibility of the skin, which can prevent wrinkles and blemishes.

Weight Loss

Can you lose weight by eating? Well, eat a handful of peanuts! Regular consumption of peanuts or peanut butter can help maintain a healthy weight. Studies indicate that people who eat peanuts at least twice a week have a lower risk of obesity. Eating peanut butter with bread in the morning can prevent hunger pangs later in the day.

Cholesterol reduction

Cholesterol reduction

Eating peanuts every day can significantly reduce your cholesterol levels and prevent the risk of many diseases. Peanuts contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce LDL and increase HDL levels. This can prevent coronary artery disease and reduce the risk of stroke by promoting a healthy blood lipid profile.

Peanuts can have side effects

Cancer prevention

Cancer prevention

Peanuts are rich in polyphenolic antioxidants, primarily p-coumaric acid, which may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by limiting the accumulation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach. Peanuts are an excellent source of resveratrol, which may protect against cancer and other diseases.

Stroke prevention

Stroke prevention

Resveratrol found in peanuts is believed to reduce the risk of stroke by altering molecular mechanisms in blood vessels and increasing nitric oxide. Peanuts help control blood sugar and may maintain heart health.

Drive away depression

Drive away depression

Peanuts can prevent brain diseases. The tryptophan present in peanuts increases serotonin release, which helps fight depression. Low serotonin levels often lead to depression.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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