This disease is the result of a bad relationship, if you want to avoid it, manage it now

There are many types of people in the world. Some are cheerful, some are serious. Some people never smile. There are people who laugh at one moment and suddenly become sad the next. Talking too much is part of their nature. If you think that all these things are normal in a person, then it is not so. Such behavior of a person is a sign of bipolar disorder.

This is a mental illness. The person suffering from this has no control over himself. Because in this disease the mood changes very fast. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for the victim to understand what he/she is doing. This disease is caused by the imbalance of dopamine hormone. Let us tell you that dopamine is a feel good hormone. It helps us in remembering, learning and controlling many functions of the body. So let us know here about the symptoms and causes of bipolar disorder.
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Symptoms of bipolar disorder

talking or making a speech loudly

getting over excited

failure to make the right decisions


giving too much importance to oneself

to talk aloud

suddenly becoming happy or sad

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Causes of bipolar disorder

Causes of bipolar disorder

This disease can occur due to many reasons. A person falls into depression due to family history, financial problems, fights at home, divorce, death of someone in the family. John Hopkins Medicine According to him/her, sometimes bad relationships also become the main reason for this disease. Due to depression in this disease, the person neither feels hungry nor is able to sleep properly.

psychiatrist needed

Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder

Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder

This disease is not easily diagnosed because the symptoms seen in it are common. But if the person’s behavior is getting worse than necessary, then go to the doctor. he/she will want to know about other diseases by talking to the patient. Many times the doctor also recommends physical test, blood test and body scan for this. To understand the symptoms properly, the doctor can talk to the patient’s friends and family members.

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Problems caused by bipolar disorder

Problems caused by bipolar disorder

irritable temperament

Unwanted weight gain

Getting into depression

feeling suicidal

Difficulty concentrating


Women are more likely to

Women are more likely to

According to a study published in the National Institute of Health, more women than men are affected by this disease. This disease is diagnosed in women between the ages of 20 and 30. Sometimes its first symptoms may appear during pregnancy or after the birth of the child.

Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder

Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder

To get rid of this mental illness, it is important for the person to sleep on time.

This disease can be avoided by eating healthy food.

Bipolar disorder is related to mental health, hence it can be managed with the help of exercise and meditation.

Apart from alcohol, avoid consumption of drugs.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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