​These things damage the liver, the country’s renowned doctor said- ‘Stop them immediately and you will be saved’

Liver is an important part of the body. Liver does everything from digesting food to cleaning blood. If liver becomes sick due to any reason, then the entire health can deteriorate. Health experts recommend keeping the liver healthy. If the amount of fat in the liver increases, then a big problem like hepatitis can occur. How can we keep our liver healthy, the country’s renowned liver expert Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin is telling here.


According to liver specialist Dr Sarin, excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the liver. Alcohol collects fat in the liver and causes inflammation in it, making it a victim of hepatitis. Hepatitis is a serious liver disease, which is caused by viral infection. In this, the liver gets swollen. Hepatitis contains A, B, C, D and E viruses.



Excessive fat is not considered good for liver health. According to Dr. Sarin, if the liver is 1500 grams, then the fat per cell can be 5. It should not be more than that. In simple language, when the fat exceeds 5% to 10% of the total weight of your liver, then you have the problem of fatty liver.

Wrong diet

<em></em>  Wrong diet” title=”<em></em>  Wrong diet” src=”https://static.langimg.com/thumb/76874587/presswire18 Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>Do not eat things that can increase fat in the liver. It becomes difficult for the liver to digest extra sugar, salt, and saturated fat and it becomes sick. In the name of taste, people like to eat fried food, which is becoming an enemy of the liver.</p>
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These symptoms show that the liver is not well

These symptoms show that the liver is not well

Extreme fatigue, vomiting or nausea, abdominal pain and swelling, loss of appetite or less appetite, change in urine color and jaundice are some of the major symptoms of hepatitis. These should not be ignored and one should immediately consult a doctor.

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