These things are full of power and are slow poison in high uric acid, arthritis will become severe, leave them after 10 symptoms

Slow poison kills the body slowly. Similarly, many nutritious foods also cause harm due to high uric acid. Due to these, problems like gout, kidney stones, excessive fatigue, stress, mood swings, tophi, joint disorders, kidney disease, heart disease, cataract, uric acid accumulation in the lungs can occur.

To avoid these physical problems, one should stop eating high purine foods after the uric acid level in the blood increases. Purine is naturally present in food items. When it is digested in the stomach, uric acid is formed. Although the kidney throws it out, but when this is not possible, eating purine-rich foods can cause a lot of problems.

You can take the help of symptoms and signs to detect high purine. These problems are quite common, so it is important to keep a close watch. Increased uric acid in men and women can cause severe pain in joints and bones. The skin over the joints can turn red. There can be stiffness, swelling, and bruising. Kidney pain behind the waist, nausea, fever and cold, blood in urine, inability to urinate or pain, frequent pressure to urinate are also included.

Seafood, animal parts

Protein gives strength to the muscles. But Cleveland Clinic According to Dr. A.K. Singh, in case of hyperuricemia (high uric acid disease), the high purine content in some high protein foods can be harmful. Therefore, animal liver, animal brain-kidney, tuna fish, codfish, red meat should be avoided.



Drinking alcohol, especially beer, damages the liver. But when it is consumed with high uric acid, it can also damage the kidneys. Uric acid crystals get deposited in the kidneys and form kidney stones. Gradually, these stones develop kidney disease.

how to reduce uric acid



Patients with high uric acid should also stay away from sweets. It may contain sugar or fructose syrup. Which is full of purines. These things can cause gout, kidney stones, heart disease, diabetes, obesity. Which can later cause other dangerous diseases.

Can we eat pulses?

Can we eat pulses?

Pulses are considered to be high purine foods. But research shows that eating them does not increase uric acid. It is a plant-based protein food that makes the diet healthy. Along with these, you can also stay fit by consuming peas, beans, and tofu.

High uric acid diet

High uric acid diet
  • Coffee
  • Skin Milk
  • Cherries
  • Water
  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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