Friday, February 7th, 2025

These 5 yogasanas are very useful in pregnancy, benefits are visible from the first day, you will be shocked to see the result

Pregnancy and giving birth to a child is the most beautiful experience in the world for a woman. However, it is extremely challenging for a mother to nurture a baby in her womb. This task can really exhaust a pregnant woman physically and mentally. But the truth is that a woman has to prepare herself strongly and emotionally to give birth to a child. The best way to do all this is by doing yoga.

If you are pregnant and are looking for an easy way to keep your mind, body and soul calm, then yoga is the safest and most secure way. Every woman who is going to become a mother is nervous about delivery and its process. In such a situation, prenatal yoga helps you prepare for delivery along with promoting the health of the child. Let us know which yoga is beneficial in pregnancy.

Pose to Butterfly

It is also called the full butterfly pose. It is considered safe and beneficial to do during pregnancy. This pose increases circulation in the pelvic floor muscles and gives strength to the body.

How to do? To do this asana, spread the legs and bring the soles together. Now bend the knees. Then bend the legs with your hands and start moving the knees up and down. Sit straight and stay in this posture for about 5 minutes. Now stretch the legs slowly.

Cat Pose

Cat Pose

Cat pose is also known as Marjari Asana. There are many benefits of doing this asana during pregnancy. This asana relaxes your mind by making your spine flexible. Not only this, it relieves back pain and also improves your digestion.

How to do it? To do this, use your hands and feet in such a way that your back becomes like a table. Place your hands on the floor and relax in the cat position. When you breathe in, lift the chin up and gently push the head back and the navel down. Stay in this position for a while and take long and deep breaths before returning to the previous position.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Child Pose

Child Pose

Pregnant women are advised to perform Balasana in the second trimester. This asana is good for reducing the pressure on the abdomen by shifting the weight of the growing baby away from the hip bones.

How to do it? First of all, sit on your knees on your heels. Keep a distance between your thighs and knees. Now slowly touch your forehead to the ground. Stretch your arms forward and place your palms on the floor. Breathe slowly. By doing this, the weight from the hip bones will decrease.
Photo Credit: Freepik

Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose

This asana looks like a bridge, hence it is called bridge pose. After doing this, the pregnant woman gets a lot of support in the back muscles. If it is practiced regularly, then stress and anxiety also go away.

How to do it? To do the bridge pose, lie down on your back and bend your knees. Place your feet and palms on the ground. Inhale and push your hips upwards. Stay in this position for a minute and exhale and return to the previous position.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Cobbler Pose

Cobbler Pose

This asana is beneficial for all those women who want easy and fast delivery. Doing this also promotes blood circulation along with the reproductive health of the woman.

How to do it? First of all, sit on the mat and spread your legs. Now bring your feet in the middle and bend your knees. Straighten your back. Now hold your feet with your palms for a few seconds and then release. This exercise should be repeated at least four times.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Yoga is an excellent treatment for many diseases. It gives a pregnant woman a lot of strength along with stamina. But before doing any yoga, definitely consult your doctor.

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