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Monday, July 8th, 2024

These 5 things that come out of the mouth of parents become poison for the child; who knows they may never forgive you

Parenting is a difficult job and it puts a lot of stress on parents. Parents have to make numerous decisions for their child and sometimes, out of fatigue, parents say things that they should not say. These things can affect your child’s mind and heart.

It is possible that after saying these things you may also regret why you said this. It is possible that it may not affect the child at that time but later on it may get embedded in his/her mind. In this article, we are telling you about those things which parents should not say in front of their children.

I wish I had more time for myself

Many parents get tired of raising children and on top of that, household responsibilities make them exhausted. Many times, they get angry and shout that they wish they had a little more time for themselves. It is absolutely right for you to say this, but talking like this in front of the child can make him/her feel that he/she is a burden on you or is coming in the way of your happiness.

we can’t afford that

we can't afford that

Many families have problems related to money, but telling a child directly that we cannot afford it can create financial insecurity in the child’s mind. Instead, tell the child that right now you are giving importance to other things and also talk to him/her about saving.

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you happened by mistake

you happened by mistake

Children need love and they expect their parents to keep them around. Telling the child that you were a mistake can raise questions about his/her value and existence. Instead, you can say that even though he/she is an unplanned baby, he/she is the biggest happiness for you.

Life is unfair

Life is unfair

It is true that life is full of challenges but telling a child that life is unfair can make him/her pessimistic about the world. he/she may develop a feeling of helplessness. Instead, the child should solve his/her problems. Along with the difficulties, focus on the opportunities for growth and success as well.

Be like your sibling

Be like your sibling

Comparing children can be one of the worst habits parents can have. This can lead to animosity between children which is not good for the family. Every child is different, has different strengths and weaknesses. Understand and accept the personality of all your children. This will increase the self-esteem of the child and he/she will also respect his/her siblings.

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